Eretz Israel is our unforgettable historic homeland...The Jews who will it shall achieve their State...And whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will redound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind. (Theodor Herzl, DerJudenstaat, 1896)

We offer peace and amity to all the neighbouring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Jewish nation for the common good of all. The State of Israel is ready to contribute its full share to the peaceful progress and development of the Middle East.
(From Proclamation of the State of Israel, 5 Iyar 5708; 14 May 1948)

With a liberal democratic political system operating under the rule of law, a flourishing market economy producing technological innovation to the benefit of the wider world, and a population as educated and cultured as anywhere in Europe or North America, Israel is a normal Western country with a right to be treated as such in the community of nations.... For the global jihad, Israel may be the first objective. But it will not be the last. (Friends of Israel Initiative)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Wages of Terror

Hamas is urging more kidnapping of Israeli soldiers in order to swap them for about 5000 Arab security risks and terrorists still in Israeli gaols, and a petition has been started among IDF reservists to declare that under no circumstances should they, if ever captured, be released in exchange for such people. And an elite IDF officer has expressed his abhorrence at the release of the appalling individuals he and his men risked their lives to apprehend.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, it's reported, will be dipping into funds provided by the United States and the European Union to be put towards the estimated grant of £5000 he's bestowing upon terrorists freed in exchange for Gilad Shalit. I guess this can be termed the wages of terror.

So much for Mr Abbas's undertaking not to encourage terrorists.


  1. My recommendation would be to kidnap 5 Arabs for every Israel and when the time comes to release them do it from a helicopter.

  2. I've heard several similar suggestions this week...

  3. Incidentally, this is a very interesting article:


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