Eretz Israel is our unforgettable historic homeland...The Jews who will it shall achieve their State...And whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will redound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind. (Theodor Herzl, DerJudenstaat, 1896)

We offer peace and amity to all the neighbouring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Jewish nation for the common good of all. The State of Israel is ready to contribute its full share to the peaceful progress and development of the Middle East.
(From Proclamation of the State of Israel, 5 Iyar 5708; 14 May 1948)

With a liberal democratic political system operating under the rule of law, a flourishing market economy producing technological innovation to the benefit of the wider world, and a population as educated and cultured as anywhere in Europe or North America, Israel is a normal Western country with a right to be treated as such in the community of nations.... For the global jihad, Israel may be the first objective. But it will not be the last. (Friends of Israel Initiative)

Friday 29 April 2016

"The Supporters of Israel Have The Whole Political Class Now Dancing To Their Tune"

Well, they're certainly deep in it, Jeremy Corbyn and the gang.

(Update: See this!!!  hat tip: Ian G)

And of course Corbyn's troops are rallying.  (I've even seen one, albeit inconsequential, Livingstone apologist linking to an item in the deranged arsenal of the notoriously antisemitic, Holocaust-denying California-based  "Institute for Historical Review" in an attempt to support Red Ken's disgraceful remarks about Hitler, though I won't give it oxygen by linking to it.)

Here's a familiar demagogue, from whom my header is a quotation:

As comic relief, a pertinent video!

Meanwhile, if the following whets your appetite, please go here to see the rest.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Leftist Antisemitism: All About Yves's

Photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star
The guy in this picture isn't, as might be thought,
baying at the moon.

To quote the online caption relating to this photo in the Toronto Star (27 July 2014) he's shouting '"Keep killing Palestinian children" towards the Pro-Israel Torontians gathered at Queen's Park to hold a peaceful, positive rally and pray for peace, truth and co-existence'.

His name's Yves Engler and he's a Canadian leftie whose subjects for denouncement regularly include Israel.

In the Huffington Post last week Engler wrote a grubby little piece describing antisemitism as "the most abused term in Canada".

It in fact provides an ugly insight into the antisemitism that motivates leftist anti-Zionism, with what has been termed "rich man antisemitism" (the perception of, and consequent hostility to, Jews as plutocrats) not far from the surface.

His nonsense exemplifies that very curious camaraderie with Islam that leftist "anti-Zionists" exhibit despite Islam's attitude towards all the things which the Left is supposed to hold dear.  Despite all the antisemitism inherent in Islam and the antisemitism emanating from sections of the Muslim umma  today (vide the situation in Europe and videos of Islamist preachers), he implies that Jews are making victims out of Muslims.

He implies that Jews (who of course live in particular neighbourhoods so as to be close to synagogues and other communal institutions, and who integrate seamlessly with the general population, and live by the principle "the Law of the Land is the Law") self-segregate in order to keep aloof from mainstream society.

His odious piece, with its spotlight on intermarriage statistics, seems to resent, and (seemingly devoid of any empathy with a people left deciminated by the Holocaust) regard as nefarious, Jewish survival. 

See what I mean?: 
'"Anti-Semitism" may be the most abused term in Canada today. Almost entirely divorced from its dictionary definition -- "discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews" -- it is now primarily invoked to uphold Jewish/white privilege.....
Rather than calming the tantrum, Canadian political leaders often contribute to the hysteria of certain Jewish groups. During the recent debate to condemn the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign MPs repeatedly accused a movement demanding Israel comply with international law of being "anti-Semitic". The terms "anti-Semitic" and "anti-Semitism" were invoked over 80 times in a debate to justify Jewish/white supremacy in the Middle East....
 Despite widespread discussion of "anti-Semitism", there is little discussion of Canadian Jewry's actual place in Canadian society. Among elite business, political and professional circles Jewish representation far surpasses their slim 1.3% of the Canadian population. Studies demonstrate that Canadian Jews are more likely than the general population to hold a bachelors degree, earn above $75,000, or be part of the billionaire class. 
While Canadian Jews faced discriminatory property, university and immigration restrictions into the 1950s, even the history of structural anti-Jewish prejudice should be put into proper context. Blacks, Japanese and other People of Colour (not to mention indigenous peoples) have been subjected to far worse structural racism and abuse. Even compared to some other "white" groups Canadian Jews have fared well....
While howls of "anti-Semitism" are usually an effort to deter Palestinian solidarity, the shrill claims may also represent what a Freudian psychologist would call a "projection". Prejudice against Arabs and Muslims appears rampant in the Jewish community. Then there are the remarkable efforts to keep the Jewish community separate and apart from others....
After Israel, no subject garners more attention in the Canadian Jewish News than the importance of cloistering children by ethnicity/religion. Half of Jewish children in Montréal attend Jewish schools, which is startling for a community that represented 7% of the city's population a century ago. (In the 1920s Yiddish was Montréal's third most spoken language.)
Montréal's Jewish community has segregated itself geographically as well. Without retail shops in its boundaries, Hampstead is an affluent Montréal suburb that is three quarters Jewish. Four times larger than the adjacent Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc is a 32,000-person municipality that is two thirds Jewish.
According to Federation CJA, only 15%-17% of Jewish Montrealers live in intermarried (or common-law) households. For those under-30 it's still only a quarter. (In Toronto, where Canada's largest Jewish community resides, the self-segregation is slightly less extreme.)
Inward looking and affluent, the Jewish community is quick to claim victimhood. But, like an out of control child, the major Jewish organizations need a timeout. Without an intervention of some sort, the Jewish community risks having future dictionaries defining "anti-Semitism" as "a movement for justice and equality."' [Emphasis added here and below]
The Canadian Jewish News has condemned this squalid piece thus:
'... Engler opens by attempting to explain away pro-Hamas demonstrations at l’Université du Québec à Montréal and anti-Semitism at Concordia University, as well as York University’s mural controversy and its student government’s divestment campaign. This is, by the way, the same Yves Engler who was dismissed from his role as vice-president of the Concordia student union for his part in the infamous 2002 riot that forced the cancellation of a speech by Benjamin Netanyahu. In what could be a nod to his university days, Engler contends that the term anti-Semitism “is now primarily invoked to uphold Jewish/white privilege.”
Then he really goes off the rails....
Is the implication that anti-Semitism must not be a problem since Canadian Jews are rich? If so, he might be interested to learn that poverty is on the rise in the Canadian Jewish community....
There’s more. “Prejudice against Arabs and Muslims appears rampant in the Jewish community,” he claims, though he cites no statistical evidence to back it up, and the many contributions of the Jewish community toward Syrian refugees contradict his argument. Engler also disapproves of Jewish day schools and Jewish-majority neighbourhoods – “cloistering children by ethnicity/religion,” he calls it....
Inconveniently for Engler, the facts belie his position. Last month, Toronto Police released a report on hate crimes in the city during 2015, and for the 10th year in a row, Jews topped the list of most targeted communities. Meanwhile, in Montreal, there has been a spate of swastika and neo-Nazi graffiti recently. And in Vancouver, a man was found guilty of promoting Jew-hatred online less than six months ago.
Perhaps Engler might have come to a different conclusion had he accurately researched the Jewish community before publishing his essay. At this point, it’s probably too late for that, but it would behoove Engler to take a close look at something else – himself, in a mirror. The facts suggest he has seriously misjudged the state of anti-Semitism in Canada today.'
 [Bottom two images from here]

Wednesday 27 April 2016

In Milady's Chamber

Ah, the Israel-hating Left and the company it keeps, especially since the Corbynistas have made antisemitism "respectable" again.

Time to do a spring clean of your Facebook "Friends", Your Ladyship.

Monday 25 April 2016

Septic Mondoweiss Plumbs New Depths

Here's another guest blog by Professor William D. (Bill) his occasional series examining the execrable Mondoweiss blog.

He writes:

As this writer has pointed out on the Daphne Anson blog before, the anti-Israel and anti-Zionist website "Mondoweiss" functions as a kind of general septic tank or cesspit to collect and publish virtually any kind of posting that is hostile to Israel's policies or its existence.

Many readers have questioned whether it is antisemitic as well, especially as (needless to say) it does not apply the same standards to any Arab or Islamic regime that it applies to Israel, and virtually whitewashes Muslim and Palestinian terrorism and violence.

As I pointed out in a recent posting here, many of the "Comments" it prints by readers are almost certainly antisemitic by any standard, and the site makes no effort to delete them, despite its stated policy of doing so.

Two recent postings on the "Mondoweiss" site have been so extreme that Daphne's readers should be told about them.

1) The first (11 April 2016) was by Nada Elia, described as a "Palestinian scholar-activist," and is entitled  "As Threats Against BDS Grow, It Is Time for 'Sumoud' in Activist Communities". ("Sumoud" is defined as "the persistence of the Palestinian people.")  Reviewing the history of Zionism, the author states that 
 "Close to a century ago, in November 1917, British Lord Rothschild promised Palestine as a 'national homeland' for (Europe's unwanted) Jewish communities. The rest is a history of US and Europe-sponsored settler-colonialism, genocide, and apartheid..."
Without commenting on any other nonsense in this passage, I would draw the reader's attention to Nada Elia's insinuation that "British Lord Rothschild" wrote the Balfour Declaration. This is, of course, pure codswallop. The Balfour Declaration was signed by Arthur Balfour, Britain's Foreign Minister (a former Prime Minister and a lifelong pro-Zionist). It was actually written by Leopold Amery, a junior minister, and then discussed by the British Cabinet, which made some minor changes and then accepted it.

Lord Rothschild was, of course, not the author of the Balfour Declaration, but its recipient. The Balfour Declaration was addressed to him as the unofficial head of the British Jewish community, as well as being a member of Parliament (in the House of Lords). This Rothschild, the second Baron, was a distinguished scientist and zoologist who had no role of any kind in procuring the Balfour Declaration. He was not a member of the British government, and could not have "promised" the Blarney Stone to gullible American tourists, let alone Palestine to "Europe's unwanted Jews."

It seems clear that Nada Elia has misidentified Rothschild as the author of the Balfour Declaration to stir up what is often termed "rich Jew antisemitism". Whether she has done this deliberately, or because she thinks that the Rothschilds, through some kind of supernatural means, can command the British government to give countries away, isn't clear. More likely sheer ignorance.

2) Secondly, there was the long declaration "Mondoweiss" published on 17 April 2016, "We Stand With Palestine in the Spirit of 'Samud': Statement From the US Prisoner, Labor, and Academic Delegation to Palestine".

I will spare readers any of this very long and rambling disquisition, and will only say that it makes Yasser Arafat look like a speaker at a Keren Hayesod fundraising dinner. The most notable facet of this document, however, is its signatories, those who went on this "delegation" to Palestine and signed this "Statement".

Examining just who they are via entries on the web (often written by themselves or their allies) shows that its nineteen signatories include the following:

Laura Whitehorn (b. 1945) who is described as a "former US-held political prisoner." In reality, in 1985 she was arrested with seven others for conspiring to blow up the US Capitol Building in Washington D.C., as well as three military installations in Washington, and four sites in New York, including the Israeli Aircraft Industries Building and the offices of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (i.e., the pension fund for retired New York policemen). For this, she spent fourteen years in prison. Her association with left-wing extremism began long before. In 1969, as a member of the Weathermen/Weather Underground, according to Wikipedia she "travelled with them to Havana, visiting one of the camps established by Soviet KGB Colonel Vadim Kotchergrine." In 1970 she took part in the Greenwich Village Townhouse explosion in which three members of the Weathermen extremist group were killed.

Claude Marks (pictured, with Whitehorn), who was sentenced in 1995 to six years in prison for "buying thirty-seven pounds of plastic explosives in a plot to help a Puerto Rican separatist leader escape from federal prison." Previously, he had "lived underground" for ten years under an assumed name to avoid arrest. His wife Diana Block, also a signatory, "spent 13 years living underground [under an assumed name] with a political collective committed to supporting the Puerto Rican movement and the Black Liberation movement."

Emory Douglas, who is described as a "Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture, Black Panther Party, 1967-82." Many readers will assume that the position of "Minister of Culture" of the "Black Panther Party" would have few duties and a rather short c.v., along the lines of "short books" like The Wit and Humour of Ayatollah Khomeni.

Rachel Herzing (pictured here, seated far right, at an anti-Israel event last year; part of the audience and a wall sign shown below), a "co-founder of "Critical Resistance" [in Oakland, California], a national grassroots organization," which (I'm not joking) is dedicated to abolishing the police. Personally, I would be all in favour of abolishing the police – but would prefer to wait until we have first abolished the criminals.

Manuel La Fontaine, described as "a former captive and survivor of California's Department of Corrections better known as the Punishment System by its survivors".  It is even better known as California's state prisons.  The online material about this gentleman is rather lacking in detail as to why he was in the slammer, although he noted that the "longest time" he served "in captivity" was "approximately 51 months". He did not enlarge on the other "times" he spent inside, or why. The inference from one website is that the 51 months was for attempted murder.

I haven't gone into detail about the other signatories, although readers with time on their hands and a strong stomach might give it a try.

It remains to be seen whether this collection of antisemitism, convicted criminals, and loony-tunes will now be standard fare on Mondoweiss.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Mo not Joe, Mr Corbyn!

(Spot the one-word difference here)

Nice try, Mr Corbyn, but the "19th century rabbi" you cite with such apparent authority in your so obviously barbed  Pesach message to Anglo-Jewry was not called Joseph Morris.

As you see here, he was called Morris Joseph.

Anyway, as you have perhaps learned from one of your as-a-Jew supporters, "Joseph Morris" (who in 1895 became minister at the Reform-minded West London Synagogue of British Jews)
" personified the Englishman who followed the Mosaic religion. He was determined that immigrant eastern European Jews should become part of the mainstream as rapidly as possible; indeed he saw it as their duty to do so. In the same way he was totally opposed to the concept of political Zionism, and 'abhorred the notion of a nationalist Jewish state' (Kershen and Romain, 116). Anti-Zionism created strange bedfellows: Chief Rabbi Adler and the Revd Morris Joseph joined forces to attack pro-Zionists at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and London. In addition to his anti-Zionist beliefs Joseph was a pacifist and chairman of the Jewish Peace Society."
(That's a quotation from the entry on him in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.)

I'm sure you applaud his urging his fellow-Jews to integrate rapidly into British society.

Quite a contrast, that, with the opposite approach taken by rather too many among the huge numbers of Muslims who have migrated to Western Europe in recent decades.

As for "Joseph Morris"'s attitude towards political Zionism, he was born in 1848 and died in 1903.

The latter was the year of the terrible Kishinev pogrom.  It was that pogrom which convinced a Jewish minister in Australia, Rev Elias Blaubaum, whose lifespan (1848-1904) was virtually identical to "Joseph Morris"'s, to abandon his own adamantly expressed opposition to political Zionism and concede that persecuted Jewry deserved a refuge in Eretz Israel.

Of course, the Jewish anti-Zionists of that period were opposed to the Herzlian idea because they believed it pre-empted divine restoration of Jews to their historic homeland and/or because they feared that it would raise the spectre of dual loyalties and even endanger Jewish citizenship in the West.

It can't be assumed that "Joseph Morris" would have remained an anti-Zionist had he lived to see the remarkable accomplishments that "philanthropic Zionism" (which was generally supported by Jewish lay and religious leaders after the Balfour Declaration) had wrought in Eretz Israel, to say nothing of the decimation inflicted on European Jewry despite its loyalty and patriotism by one of the great nations of Europe (a nation that's endangering Europe's security today).

Again, an Australian rabbi exemplifies that volte-face, Joseph Danglow (known as Anglo-Danglow for his implacable hostility to political Zionism).  Happily, he had a spectacular change of heart following the establishment of Israel, as did the majority of his congregants.

btw,  I was amused to find this "Jews for Jeremy" Facebook group.

Gee, they must be hard up for members if they have to reach out to the "Jew-ish" brigade.  Those, I assume, are the people who find that a distant or reputed Jewish ancestor can be so useful an asset in bashing Israel, but have never had a meaningful connection with Judaism or Yiddishkeit in their lives.

The sort of people who might well transcribe Morris Joseph into Joseph Morris after a quick google :(

Oh brother!:

Friday 22 April 2016

David Singer: Palestine – France Embarks On Flight Of Fancy

Chag Pesach Sameach to all Jewish readers.

Here's the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

The announcement by French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault that France will host a meeting of ministers from 20 countries in Paris on May 30 to try and relaunch the Israel-Palestinian peace process seems to be yet another flight of fancy that is destined to end up where the Oslo Accords and the Bush Roadmap presently find themselves after decades of fruitless negotiations.

Who those 20 countries are that will attend such a meeting will make fascinating reading.

The other 173 member States of the United Nations should be miffed at not being invited to enjoy the sights, sounds, food and wine of Paris as it seeks to put behind it:
1.    The devastating Islamic terrorist attack on 13 November last that claimed the lives of 130 people and wounded 352 others.
2.    The assault on a police station on 7 January last by a jihadist wearing a fake explosive belt attacking police officers with a meat cleaver while shouting "Allahu Akbar". He was shot dead and one policeman was injured. The ISIS flag and a clearly written claim in Arabic, were found on the attacker.
Ayrault said the conference aimed to prepare an international summit in the second half of 2016 which would include the Israeli and Palestinian leaders – acknowledging that:
“The two sides are further apart than ever”
He then proceeded to issue this mantra that has almost become commonplace in trying to end the Jewish-Arab conflict: 
“There is no other solution to the conflict than establishing two states, one Israeli and the other Palestinian, living side by side in peace and safety with Jerusalem as a shared capital.”

The French Foreign Minister needs to understand there are other solutions -– one involving the allocation of sovereignty of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) between Jordan and Israel – the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine – who have since 1946 and 1948 respectively enjoyed sovereignty in 95 per cent of the territory once called “Palestine”.

Ayrault has reportedly said the discussions would be based on the 2002 Saudi peace initiative — approved by the Arab League but not Israel.

That decision in itself will guarantee the failure of the French initiative.

There is no mood in Israel to commit national suicide – which the Arab peace initiative unashamedly seeks. 

Ayrault adopts an air of typical Gallic condescension as he intones:
“We have to explain to the Israelis that settlement activity is a dangerous process and that it puts their own security in danger.”
Maybe the newly-appointed Foreign Minister should look at the rapidly expanding Islamic settlement activity taking place in France and address that threat to France’s security before he seeks to interfere in Israel’s affairs.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who brokered a previous round of Israel-Palestinian peace talks that collapsed in April 2014 gave the French proposal a guarded welcome when he visited Paris in March:
“Not any one country or one person can resolve this. This is going to require the global community, it will require international support”
Kerry is right but at the same time he is wrong.

What Kerry and President Obama continue to fail to acknowledge are the firm written commitments made to Israel by former President George Bush on 14 April 2004 – overwhelmingly endorsed by the Congress.

Were Obama and Kerry prepared to rally the global community to get behind the Bush-Congress commitments and take Abbas dragging and screaming to the negotiating table – maybe some movement towards a resolution of the conflict could eventuate.

Pushing the 2002 Arab Initiative whilst ignoring the 2004 Bush-Congress Initiative is destined to become an exercise in futility and certain failure.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Keziah's Curse

Ah, the curse of naivety!

I mean, just look at the recent comments by Pamela Hardyment I posted yesterday.

And at this further one today.

And at this squalid nastiness:

And then consider the foolishness exemplified by Jewish students who happily support slurs against the Jewish State.
 "Stupid kid. You think you know it all. So did I at your age. But the truth is, you know absolutely nothing about the forces of racist evil you are trying to help unleash."
For that is the bottom line of a comment by one exasperated commenter on an article by Ms Keziah the University of Edinburgh's student magazine earlier this month extolling that univerity's student unions's shameful passage of a pro-BDS motion.

Ms Berelson had proclaimed inter alia: 
"As a Modern Orthodox Jew, a recent graduate from the University of Edinburgh and a former President of the University’s Jewish Society ... I congratulate the student body’s decision to pass a motion of BDS. This is a victory for minority rights and democracy at the University. BDS is a non-violent campaign called for by over 170 Palestinian civil society organisations which use the methods of boycott, divestment and sanctions from institutions and companies who benefit from and contribute to Palestinian oppression in order to pressure the Israeli state to operate within the boundaries set by international law....  This vote shows that EUSA and Edinburgh University students are still committed to liberation politics....
It saddens me that this successful move by BDS campaigners is overshadowed by accusations of anti-Semitism, which detract from the terrifying rise of fascism on UK and European streets. The Zeig Heils and blood-painted swastikas daubed onto vans in Dover earlier this year and the fascist demonstration held in Golders Green this Saturday have been eclipsed by fearmongering of pro-Palestinian successes. We must not let them rise again. I understand why Zionist Jewish students will feel intimidated by this decision but I must ask that you speak to fellow Palestinian students. How has this reaction affected them? How safe do they feel on campus?....
.... Do not assume a political opinion based on my religion or creed, for we are not all the same and we will not be silenced. Not in my name."
Among the justifiably appalled comments beneath her article this one stands out:
"I am currently studying in a University in Israel with a large Arab student body (Uni of Haifa), and I have to comment about how surprised I was at the ignorance of what Apartheid actually was. To describe Israel as an Apartheid state (which you allude to by saying that BDS brought down the Apartheid regime in South Africa) undermines the suffering that the non-whites suffered in SA and maximises the suffering of the Palestinians. There is no law in Israel forbidding an Arab to ride the same bus as a Jew (and such a law would be actively denounced by just about every Israeli, Jew and not), but this was the foundation of the Apartheid State. This goes on, the gist of what I am saying is that Israel does not have the multitude of discriminatory laws that South Africa had, and given the fact that 50% of Israeli Jews were exiled from Arab countries following the creation of the State of Israel, it is nearly impossible to accurately differentiate between Jew and Arab.
On another note, I am interested in the pressure being brought to bear on the State of Israel, what about on the Palestinian Authority and Hamas? Neither of which have held elections in about 10 years? Or to end their incitement to murder Jews, which has seen a 70 year old woman killed, among others. Please tell me if you can how murdering a 70 year old woman advances the creation of the Palestinian state? Hamas rules over Gaza, and instead of building a state, they have committed to shot rockets into Israel? Do you not think that it would be better for the people of Gaza if they built their state instead of trying to kill Jews that have anyway left their land? The follow on from this is that if they did build their state instead of trying to kill us, I think that they would get the freedom that they claim to want. What about the Egyptians who have also restricted the Rafah crossing into Gaza? Why does BDS singularly go after the Jewish State?
In summary, I have to say what you have done is not in my name. I would rather do the hard work on the ground, discussing our differences and working out how we can live together, instead of a one-sided narrative that absolves the other side of any responsibility for their actions. Both sides have a lot of work to do, and as long as you and the BDS movement focusses only on the Israeli transgressions and fails to understand the literal fear for our lives that is an every day reality for many of us, which would only be exacerbated by handing over power to a dysfunctional PA ... with ISIS not too far away (neither Syria nor Sinai are far from the borders of what would be the Palestinian State), is to many of us anti-Semitic. If not in intention, then in what it could well result in with us forced into a suicidal situation. By all means encourage dialogue, encourage reflection, encourage meaningful steps to peace but do not expect us to take kindly to you trying to force us to commit suicide, however well intentioned you may think you are being."
 But nobody has said it better than this great guy.

Meanwhile, some more ravings by Scottish PSC chief Napier:

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Pamela Pamela: Her long and slimy trail

British journalist Leo McKinstry wrote:
"....Dressed up as criticism of the state of Israel, anti-Semitism is becoming not just tolerated but even fashionable in some of our civic institutions, including the universities and parts of the media.
Thanks to the Left’s neurotic hatred of Israel, we now have the extraordinary sight of self-styled liberal campaigners launching McCarthyite witch-hunts against anyone deemed to have Israeli connections, as in this week’s debate at the University and College Union’s annual conference at Bourne­mouth calling for a boycott of all Israeli academic institutions. 
 Respect for democracy, individual rights and freedom of speech are being crushed beneath the juggernaut of shrill indignation. 
What is particularly disturbing is the way opposition to the Jewish state descends into vicious antagonism against Jews themselves, as shown by this sickening recent outburst from writer Pamela Hardyment, a member of the National Union of Journalists, which in April voted to boycott Israeli goods.
Explaining her support for the NUJ’s stance, Ms Hardyment described Israel as “a wonderful Nazi-like killing machine backed by the world’s richest Jews”. 
Then, like some lunatic from the far-Right, she referred to the “so-called Holocaust” before concluding: “Shame on all Jews, may your lives be cursed.” ....
Such words could have come straight from Hitler or the most fervent supporter of Osama Bin Laden.But Ms Hardyment is hardly unique. 
This sort of seething resentment can be found throughout the Left, whether in demands that Israel be treated as a pariah state or in connivance at anti-Semitic propaganda...." 
A week later, Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard observed:
"....Some of those supporting a boycott are clearly the ‘useful idiots’ of the antisemites; they are not themselves antisemitic but are too blinded with hatred for to realise the real nature of their allies. But it is - and I'll put it no stronger than this - quite remarkable how many of those who call for a boycott, on whatever grounds, turn out to be plain old antisemites.
On Saturday, JCI received an email from one Pamela Hardyment, reacting to this stance on
Darfur . And it is, as I say, instructive. Her email gives the game away, exposing how much of the support for a boycott is suffused with antisemitism, pure and simple:
From: Pamela Hardyment
Sent: 26 May 2007 13:53
You are worried about Dafur!!!!!!!!!!! Yet you have in a wonderful Nazi like killing machine (thousands of palestinians have died or are incarcerated in camps, including Gaza and the West Bank) backed by the world's richest jews and , you are joking about
Darfur aren't you?
Whatever you say, and I don't want to hear what you have to say because it will be the same old rhetoric, we in the UK have had enough of Israel, we (the NUJ of which I am a member) have finally voted to boycott Israeli goods (I have been doing this since 1957 so it just legitimises it and spreads the word, all items with 7.29 in the bar code, Jaffa Carmel, etc) - universities will bring in an academic boycott and architects are now joining in too. It won't stop there, we will do all in our power to make sure that you do not take any more land (you have already taken mine and refuse to pay for it). We can no longer send money to the PLO or Hamas, but we are sending people, we are not afraid of your wall, your evil soldiers (and you worry about one missing soldier, ha!) and will continue. We used to be mild, respected you because of the so called holocaust (a nice round number 6 million, what about the homosexuals, gypsies, deformed, dissenters, they NEVER get a mention and my family were among them)
So yes, we are very angry, we are working against Israel whereas before we supported you, and we will do all in our collective power to make life as uncomfortable for you as you make it for the Palestinians, shame on you, shame on all jews, may your lives be cursed
Yours with no shame whatsoever and no fear
pam hardyment
Ms Hardyment’s sentiments are representative of the underlying views of many boycott supporters. The references to the “Nazi like killing machinea¦ backed by the world's richest jews and America”, the “so called holocaust (a nice round number 6 milliona¦)” and “shame on all jews, may your lives be cursed”, may be more obvious than some of the more sly proponents of a boycott, who are careful to couch their arguments in apparently reasonable language; but antisemitism is antisemitism, whatever the tone in which it is expressed.'
That was nine years ago, in May 2007.  As we know, the antisemitism that lurks within sections of the Labour Party persists and, emboldened and encouraged by Jeremy Corbyn's seemingly ambivalent attitude, now not infrequently shows its repellent face.

The last time I blogged about Ms Hardyment (described here as arts editor for the Palestine Telegraph) was two years ago almost to the day, when I reproduced some of her appallingly vile messages on Facebook, and asked whether Stephen Sizer should in all decency de-friend her. (Guess what? Despite her heavy duty antisemitism he hasn't.)

As many readers will be aware, late last year she made this shameful if not uncharacteristic outburst:

As we read here,  that outburst earned her the attention of PC Plod.

Another tasteless display from her:

These days on Facebook Pamela Hardyment goes by the name Pamela, or rather Pam, Arnold.  But her change of name has not heralded a change of heart.

Let's look at some of the nasties including eye-popping antisemitic obscenities she's posted so far this year:

Yes, like a slug, Pamela leaves a long and slimy trail.