Get a load of these.
This video begins with Aussie federal minister Josh Frydenberg telling it like it is about the Sydney-based Grand Mufti (see my post here):
And a sassy summing up of the year now closing:
Interesting stuff from Newt's News, eh?
'.... Anti-Israel circles understand that their cause isn’t even on the radar of the average college student. By hitching their wagon to issues with greater popular appeal, pro-Palestinian activists seek to expand their tent and build a coalition larger than the handful of students fanatic enough to spend their college years slandering Israel.
Ironically, this disturbing phenomenon is hardest not on conservative-leaning Jewish students, but on left-wing Jewish activists who don’t support BDS. Social justice work is increasingly seen as a “package,” and one cannot be for racial justice, gender equality or humanitarianism without also swearing allegiance to the cult of Israel-despisers.
Left-wing Jews hew to the same social vision as the progressive community – but Israel and BDS are thorns for those who still believe in Zionism....
This discomfort is particularly dangerous because left-leaning young Jews are a weak link in the American-Jewish community’s relationship with Israel. As any exit poll can tell you, American-Jews do not, on the whole, vote based on Israel. American Jews vote for candidates who share their liberal social values. Thus, liberalism trumps pro-Israelism for most secular Jews. What will be when liberal Jewish students are forced to choose between their allegiance to Israel and their commitment to social justice? What will happen when not supporting BDS is seen as a fatal tribal weakness? The answer should frighten anybody concerned with the future of the Diaspora’s relationship with Israel.'Read all of Jared Samilow's article here
1. The PLO exercises exclusive administrative control over 95 per cent of the existing West Bank Arab population who live within about 40 per cent of the West Bank (Areas “A” and “B”)
2. The PLO exercises exclusive security control in Area “A” and shares security control with Israel in Area “B”
3. Israel exercises exclusive administrative and security control over Area “C” – 60 per cent of the West Bank – where 350,000 Jews and 50,000 Arabs currently reside
4. Hamas exercises complete administrative and security control in all of Gaza
5. East Jerusalem has been unilaterally declared to be part of Israel’s capitalThe PLO and Hamas are still engaged in an internecine struggle extending over the last eight years to achieve complete political dominance over the other in the West Bank and Gaza whilst denying their long-suffering populations any say on who they want to govern them.
'In a marching drill of the Algerian National Gendarmerie, the soldiers chant: "Turn your guns towards the Jews... in order to kill them... slaughter them... and skin them." The video was posted on the Internet on November 1 to mark Algeria's Revolution Day, but the post did not state when the video was filmed.'If it's Christmas cheer you're after, don't bother going to Brunei!
“absolutely necessary to reject the efforts to discriminate against the only democracy in the Middle East.”Another Czech politician Frantisek Laudat argued that the guidelines:
“may evoke awkward reminiscence of marking Jewish people during World War II”The Czech Assembly declared the new EU guidelines were:
“motivated by a political positioning versus the State of Israel”That political positioning has seen the EU:
1. Claim that settlement by Jews in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem is illegal in international law despite the provisions of article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the United Nations Charter specifically authorising and preserving the rights of Jews to live there for the purpose of reconstituting the Jewish National Home.
2. Engage in supporting unauthorised, unapproved and surreptitious Arab building projects in Area “C” in Judea and Samaria where administrative and security control is solely vested in Israel under the Oslo Accords.
3. Ignore that Jews lived in these self-same designated areas for generations before being driven out and ethnically cleansed by six Arab armies in 1948 – resulting in these areas being illegally annexed and occupied by Jordan between 1948 and 1967.To add to the EU’s current woes and expose the hypocrisy of these labelling regulations – the EU’s second highest judicial body - the General Court – has determined that the 2012 fishing agreement between the EU and Morocco must be annulled because it also applied to the Western Sahara - disputed territory under Morocco’s control since 1976.
“H.Res. 567: Expressing opposition to the European Commission interpretive notice regarding labeling Israeli products and goods manufactured in the West Bank and other areas, as such actions undermine efforts to achieve a negotiated Israeli-Palestinian peace process.”Numerous attempts by Secretary of State John Kerry to bring about a negotiated “two state solution” – first laid out in the 2003 Bush Roadmap – have come to nought.
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Read article here |
Its takes on so-called "social justice" issues, which may be seen on its website, is a virtual pastiche of left-wing, politically correct stances on every known left-wing cause: climate change, disarmament, gays, Aborigines, illegal immigrants, a "fairer tax system" (this is particularly rich coming from a body exempt from taxation)- you name it, the Uniting Church has jumped on every politically correct bandwagon that has rolled along, apparently to the exclusion of any and all traditional religious issues. Needless to say, the left's current "when in doubt, kick the Jews" mantra is well to the fore.
My main point here, however, is to highlight the fact that the Uniting Church is a body, in terms of its membership, in catastrophic decline. The statistics of this decline are simply staggering. To its credit, the Uniting Church collects and publishes accurate statistics about itself, most recently in the 2013 Uniting Church Census, released in 2014 and available online. The picture this document presents is of a church rapidly heading for extinction. In 1991, on a typical Sunday 163,000 people attended a Uniting Church service anywhere in Australia. In 2013 that number had declined to only 97,000 in the entire country, barely more than the number attending an important AFL [Australian Football League] game on a weekend in August.
Probably ten times as many people in Australia will see the newest Star Wars movie in the next month. Between 1991 and 2013, attendance at a Uniting Church service has thus declined by 40 per cent. This figure is actually even worse than it seems at first, since in the same period the population of Australia has increased by 35 per cent, from 17 million to 23 million.
In the same period the number of active Uniting Church congregations has declined from 3019 to 2078- in other words, 31 per cent of all Uniting Church congregations have simply closed down through lack of members in only twenty-two years. According to the same survey, 26 per cent of its congregations had no children as members, while another 28 per cent had only 1-4 children as members. In 2013 the average Uniting Church congregation had 2.0 baptisms of new members- and 3.66 funerals. Any business with this track record of abject failure would have long since sacked its entire management- assuming, of course, that it had not already filed for bankruptcy.
It seems very likely- perhaps undeniable – that this diminution in numbers is related to the Uniting Church's left-wing stance on every known issue. Literally hundreds of thousands of former Church adherents have voted with their feet to leave it, in all likelihood most of them conventional families with children. Like other liberal Protestant denominations the Uniting Church may imagine that it can acquire a new source of membership from among minorities, refugees, the poor, gays, political activists, and so on, but all the evidence suggests that their numbers are simply too small to begin to balance the disappearing mainstream.
The decline of the Uniting Church is also a cause, as well as a product, of its left-wing agenda. As the Church shrinks and conservatives and moderates leave in droves, those remaining will consist, as an ever-greater percentage of its total membership, of committed radicals, whose power and influence within the Church will automatically increase as the Church declines in membership. Soon, however, there may be nothing left. Jews and others who are concerned at the Uniting Church's stance on Israel should bear in mind that they may not have a problem for much longer, although its hostility towards Israel and, indeed, to the West may be louder than ever.'That is, obviously, reassuring.
'Of all the anti-Israel discourses that exist today, Christian Palestinianism is perhaps one of the most disturbing because it resurrects the notion of Jews as accursed Christ-killers who deserve permanent exile. As with all anti-Semitic ideas, Christian Palestinianism is about resentment. It is a projection of a sense of inferiority onto an external scapegoat – the Jews.
Egyptian Jewish writer Bat Ye’or believes that the concept of Jesus the Palestinian is symbolic of a growing religious trend – Palestinian replacement theology and the gradual Islamisation of Christianity. Christian Palestinianists, according to Ye’or interpret the Bible from an Islamic point of view and “do not admit to any historical or theological link between the biblical Israel, the Jewish people and the modern State of Israel.”
Ye’or also points to the similarity between Palestinian replacement theology and Marcion gnosticism, which was a second century Christian heresy. Marcion gnostics rejected the Hebrew Bible and believed that the God of Israel was inferior to the God of the New Testament. Likewise, Christian Palestinianists want to “de-Zionise” the Tanakh, strip Jesus of his Jewish heritage and neutralise prophetic statements relating to Jews and the land of Israel.
As well as being politically motivated, Christian Palestinianism is a religious assault on Judaism and should be seen in the context of centuries of anti-Jewish persecution and ridicule by both Christians and Muslims who are embarrassed and frustrated by the continued existence of the Jewish people.
Read article here
Make no mistake. The cultural-economic boycott of the Jewish state draws a great deal of strength from Christianity. Much of the anti-Zionism emanating from West can be traced back to faith-based organisations who are either ambivalent about Israel or downright hostile. Christian Aid, the Quakers, the Church of England, the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterians are among those who are guilty of demonising Israel.
And then there are individuals such as Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer (a prominent and notorious Anglican vicar in England) who believes that Jerusalem and the land of Israel “have been made irrelevant to God’s redemptive purposes,” and that Jews were expelled from the land because “they were more interested in money and power.”
In other words, it is not just Islam and the Left that are responsible for the ostracism and demonisation of the Jewish state. Many Christians, especially those who have embraced the new anti-Semitic replacement theology known as Christian Palestinianism, should be held to account for rekindling the same anti-Jewish prejudices and hatreds that resulted in the Holocaust.' [Emphasis added]If you live in or near Los Angeles the following conference may be for you:
Activists protested on Wednesday (16/12) the concert of the Jerusalem Quartet at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. They opposed the Quartet's official association with the Israeli army committing war crimes against Palestinians.
In a video released by the Comité de Solidariedade com a Palestina protesters are seen chanting "boycott Israel" as the concert was taking place. At one point the Jerusalem Quartet was forced to interrupt the performance.
The heckling came in two waves and lasted for several minutes catching the audience by surprise. The Jerusalem Quartet seemed undaunted and indeed used to the protests given the frequency in which they take place at venues where they play around the world.
Protesters distributed leaflets explaining the reason for their action and condemned the Gulbenkian Foundation for hosting the Quartet despite appeals. This is the second time the Gulbenkian Foundation, an Armenian cultural institution based in Portugal, hosts the Jerusalem Quartet. Both times activists protested the performance.
This year Armenians from the diaspora, from the US and Palestine, wrote to the Foundation's management requesting the concert to be canceled. Similar appeals were sent by Portuguese citizens. They pointed at the Foundations history of support for Armenians in Palestine, who like other Palestinians live under Israel's occupation and apartheid, echoing evidence linking the Jerusalem Quartet with Israel's propaganda in defense of war and occupation. The appeals went unheeded and the Gulbenkian Foundation refused to address the arguments in the letters.
The direct action by Portugal's Comité de Solidariedade com a Palestina is in support of the Palestinian-led Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which advocates for a cultural boycott of Israeli cultural institutions complicit with Israel's violations of international law....
The Israeli ambassador to the UK said in 2008 when protesters disrupted the Quartet at the Edinburgh Festival “we must not give in to attempts to sabotage the marketing of Israeli art and culture….” Since the quartet has made no attempt to dissociate itself from Israel’s apartheid policies, issuing only half-baked statements, we can only conclude that it is happy to play under the patronage of the State of Israel and/or its institutions while the charges of war crimes against Israel hang thick in the air worldwide.More poison from the northern Mediterranean:
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Dutney's article is pro-BDS, folks! |
“At this particular time of great concern for peace in the Holy Land, indeed in the Middle East, we must all make every effort to build upon the good relations we have in Australia between people of faith, acknowledging we will see some things differently and act accordingly, but always with peace for the people of the region in mind.”His explanation has cut little ice with with University of Melbourne academic Dr Dvir Abramovich, chairman of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission, who has called on the UCA to rescind the "unfair" resolution:
“At a time when Christians are beheaded, forcibly converted, expelled and persecuted in the Middle East and around the world, the Uniting Church in Australia has chosen to single out the only democracy in the region which provides a safe haven and freedom of worship for Christians.
This vote sends a very hurtful message to Australian Jews and foments an atmosphere of hostility."In other news, however ...
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“The decision to label products was a mistake. Europe is loud about Israel, but quiet about 200 other conflicts around the world.”Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó announced Hungary’s decision:
"We do not support the decision to make a special mark on products coming from the West Bank or the Golan Heights. This step is inefficient and illogical. It would only hurt attempts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."Greece’s decision was communicated by letter from its Foreign Minister to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a visit by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to Israel – when extensive bilateral cooperation in economic matters, technology, science, education, trade, energy, and agriculture were concluded.
“does not deal with a stigmatized warning decal, as many have presented… What Brussels wants is, however, only a clear designation of the origin of the products”.This Foreign Ministry thinking was no doubt influenced by the illegal invasion of many hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants into Germany and the huge economic and social problems faced by Germany in their resettlement.
“One is related to the Middle East peace process, especially after the adoption of the technical guidelines on indication of origin. We had an exchange of views in this respect with the ministers, and we commonly decided that it was important also for me to pass this message publicly that the Council and the European Union stay united on these technical guidelines on indication of origin, which is in no way a boycott and should in no way be interpreted as one”Claiming to be united on these “technical guidelines” – despite their having been already rejected by Hungary and Greece – is surely deceptive and misleading.
“The second thing on which the Council was completely united is our continued engagement in the Middle East peace process and in broader bilateral relations with Israel. There is full unity and solidarity among member states and among European institutions on that.”Mogherini is seriously mistaken if she thinks Israel will allow a clearly conflicted EU to remain part of the Quartet of Mideast peacemakers which also includes the UN, United States and Russia.
1. Are racist and discriminate against Jews
2. Trample on Jewish vested legal rights to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Judea, Samaria and East JerusalemDouble standards and political hypocrisy will eventually bring even the most powerful down to earth.
“I have said and I continue to say it, that ultimately the only workable solution is not a unitary state, but a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state. That’s the solution. But the Palestinians have to recognize the Jewish state and they persistently refuse to do so. They refuse to recognize a nation-state for the Jewish people in any boundary. That was and remains the core of the conflict. Not this or that gesture or the absence of this or that gesture, but the inability or unwillingness of the Palestinian leadership to make the leap.”Whilst the issue of a “demilitarized Palestinian State” is one possibly capable of being further negotiated – the issue of recognizing the Jewish State is definitely not.
“And what we see is the old order established after the Ottoman Empire collapsing and militant Islam, either of the Shiites, Shiite hue led by Iran, or the Sunni hue, led by ISIS, rushing in to fill the void.”The PLO has never accepted the San Remo carve up of the Ottoman Empire between Jews and Arabs – as its current Charter declares:
“The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void.”The PLO’s rejection of the right of Jews to have one State whilst the Arabs presently have 22 States is also virulently expressed in the PLO Charter:
“Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood.”The PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has no intention of changing this racist and utterly offensive position – as Netanyahu points out:
'You got a hint of that the other day when Abu Mazen spoke about the “occupation of Palestinian lands for the last 67 years. Did you hear that? Occupation of Palestinian lands? For the last 67 years?
Sixty-seven years ago was 1948. That’s when the State of Israel was established. Does Abu Mazen mean that Tel Aviv is occupied Palestinian territory? Or Haifa? Or Beer Sheba?'The demise of the PLO as Israel’s negotiating partner is long overdue.
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Donnison makes light of real concerns |
'Round the world, terrorists screaming out Allah-u-Akbar are killing decent people going about their daily lives....
Dealing with terrorism and the Islamist fanaticism that inspires it is the great challenge of our time.
Obviously there needs to be a very strong security response at home and abroad....
The security response is necessary but it’s not sufficient. There also needs to be a concerted “hearts and minds” campaign against the versions of Islam that make excuses for terrorists.
Although most Muslims utterly reject terrorism, some are all too ready to justify “death to the infidel”....
Demonising Islam generally or all Muslims could bring on the “clash of civilisations” that academic Samuel Huntington feared two decades back and make “Islam’s bloody borders” even more dangerous. But we can’t remain in denial about the massive problem within Islam.
Islam never had its own version of the Reformation and the Enlightenment or a consequent acceptance of pluralism and the separation of church and state.
Fortunately there are numerous Muslim leaders who think their faith needs to modernise from the kill-or-be-killed milieu of the Prophet Mohammed.
It’s also time Australians stopped being apologetic about the values that have made our country as free, fair and prosperous as any on Earth....
Islam needs to delegitimise the urge to “behead all those who insult the Prophet” but only Muslims can do this. That’s why everyone interested in a safer world should be reaching out to “live and let live” Muslims and encouraging them to reclaim their faith from the zealots.
In Australia that means talking to decent people who happen to be Muslim as well as to “official” Muslims inclined to see “Islamophobia” in any criticism....
It’s also time Australians stopped being apologetic about the values that have made our country as free, fair and prosperous as any on Earth.
Where hate preaching is not illegal it should at least be thoroughly answered point-by-point with a very robust defence of human rights and responsibilities.
It’s not culturally insensitive to demand loyalty to Australia and respect for Western civilisation. Cultures are not all equal. We should be ready to proclaim the clear superiority of our culture to one that justifies killing people in the name of God.'Not offensive or over-the-top, is it? At least, not to rational people.