Eretz Israel is our unforgettable historic homeland...The Jews who will it shall achieve their State...And whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will redound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind. (Theodor Herzl, DerJudenstaat, 1896)

We offer peace and amity to all the neighbouring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Jewish nation for the common good of all. The State of Israel is ready to contribute its full share to the peaceful progress and development of the Middle East.
(From Proclamation of the State of Israel, 5 Iyar 5708; 14 May 1948)

With a liberal democratic political system operating under the rule of law, a flourishing market economy producing technological innovation to the benefit of the wider world, and a population as educated and cultured as anywhere in Europe or North America, Israel is a normal Western country with a right to be treated as such in the community of nations.... For the global jihad, Israel may be the first objective. But it will not be the last. (Friends of Israel Initiative)

Thursday, 18 October 2012

A Good Jew In France

French antisemitism, 1898 vintage
From the land that gave us La Libre Parole, the Dreyfus Case, Vichy and Drancy, an ultra-popular Twitter hashtag, #unbonJuif.

And what are the characteristics of the good Jew?

Alors, par exemple:

#UnBonJuif est un juif mort  ("A good Jew is a dead Jew.")

#UnBonJuif ne voit pas plus loin qu'le bout de son nez ("A good Jew sees no further than his nose.")

#UnBonJuif peut fumer sous la douche. ("A good Jew can smoke in the shower.")

See more about this foul and fetid French trend here and here

Meanwhile (hat tip reader Jean) here's France through a Russian's eyes:


  1. This made me so sick I have mass-tweeted it! Jews and others all commenting but not reporting or having a hashtag re the truth about mozlems! Hollande bought his election with anti-semitism, the mozlem vote and money from Qatar, the supporters of mozlem brotherhood.

  2. Grotesque.

  3. this climate is enhanced by the very active charia compliants France info and France televisions both state owned media occupied by leftits collaborators.

  4. And to think this is happening in the land of Leon Blum, Pierre Mendes-France, etc. I recall a line in Prof. Herman Finer's book "The Major Governments of Modern Europe" re France - "Nations can change," he wrote in a footnote, citing the fact that after the shame of the Dreyfus Case France had those Jews and Rene Mayer as PMs - all Jews.
    Well, France has clearly changed again...

  5. Although on reflection perhaps the change was purely cosmetic after all: Blum the socialist and Mendes-France the decoloniser, excoriated by the Right, Mayer (relative of the Rothschilds and a spokesman in parliament for the "colons" of Algeria) excoriated by the Left ... all targets of antisemitism in their own way.

  6. Though not particularly interested in Jewish issues, the late great Jean Francois Revel called it in the 1970's. His coverage of the failure of the left and of socialist multiculturalism in such works as "Without Jesus or Marx", "Last Exit to Utopia", "How Democracies Die" and "Antiamericanism" nailed it years ago.

  7. I suppose the real question, Daphne, is to what extent rising rates of European anti-Semitism are due to Muslim immigration and to what extent the home grown variety is a contributing factor.

    I suppose that we're seeing both, but obviously the former is very much driving this train.

    btw, are we allowed to say that without being smeared as racists?

    Can the victims stand up to the bully without being smeared as a bigot?

  8. A great article on modern France.
    France as a Palestinian Camp - Old Fuhrer, New Furors
    "More important is that French mainstream is also guilty for what is happening to the Jews. Palestinian terrorists are daily called “militants” and Flotilla jihadists are turned into “humanitarians” by the intellectuals, while the tribunals easily pardon the Jew-killers, who are always labelled as “youths”. To quote Pierre-Andre Taguieff, they "dissolve the anti-Jewish acts in a rising tide of delinquency".

  9. Hum, I see the same bad jokes (a lot of them posted by jews) about #UnBonNoir (a good black) and #UnBonMusulman (a good muslim). But nobody talk about racism, nobody talk about these hashtag so ... the jews are the untouchable peole ?
    I know what you think, i'm a muslim, a terrorist muslim ... but no i'm a good french #UnBonFrancais :D

    1. Like most people, I deplore racist insults of any kind. Tit-for-tat racism is wrong and repellent.

    2. "...but no i'm a good french #UnBonFrancais :D..."

      "Un Bon Francais" - a bit like Mohamed Merah?

  10. The Jews of Marseille in fear:

  11. And another:

    1. Surreal.

      Presented with information that Jews had, indeed, been attacked in Malmo, the mayor retreated just a step and said, "We accept neither Zionism nor anti-Semitism or other forms of ethnic discrimination."

      The mayor says, in an antisemitic statement...

  12. France is not waving, France is drowning, and the effluent in which she is drowning has reached her mouth. (mouth=clumsy metaphor for media).

    Heinrich Heine, the wonderful Jewish Poet, when living in exile in France said of his beloved Germany:

    "...Denk' ich an Deutschland in der Nacht,
    so bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht...

    (If I think of Germany in the night,
    sleep escapes me).

    I have to say:
    Denk' ich an Frankreich in der Nacht,
    dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.


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