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Bad news for the undeluded |
The inestimable Douglas Murray:
"I have just returned from a trip abroad to find Britain and Europe in a state of madness. I will not reflect on any connections between these events. But perhaps a reader could enlighten me as to why in recent days Britain and Europe appear to have decided that Syria’s refugees are entirely ‘our’ responsibility....
Neither this country nor any of our European allies have made any significant intervention in Syria’s civil war. So why should Hungarians and Slovakians, Austrians and Poles be expected to bear such a significant responsibility for this?
Whenever Britain or America or Israel do have any involvement in any Islamic country we hear a very great deal about the ‘Ummah’. The OIC and the Arab League, for instance, never miss an opportunity to talk about the brotherhood and unity of the Islamic nation and how much any ‘hurt’ or offence to any part of this entity hurts and offends the whole...."Read it all here
A rather alarming piece from the German magazine Spiegel:
"The average refugee coming from Syria, is under the age of 30, and male. Genders play an underestimated role. Where are all the mothers and daughters from the crisis regions?
Do you still have the pictures in your head? The masses of refugees at the train stations of Budapest and Vienna, the asylum seekers laying on narrow cots in tent cities, the worn down survivors sitting on mediterranean beaches in Europe: Fathers, sons and brothers on almost every picture. A few brought their families along, but most of them came alone.
Female refugees on the other hand: a rarity. As if there were no females suffering and distressed, as if the civil wars in Syria and Eritrea were a purely male matter. Why are mostly men traveling through the Balkan and over the mediterranean? Where are the women from the crisis regions?
The crisis in Europe looks like a mass stampede of young men: alone last year, 2014, two-thirds of asylum seekers in Germany were males, and more than 70% of them were under the age of 30. Europe wide the statistics look pretty much the same, and in the group of 14 to 34-year-old refugees, even three-quarters of them were male...."Read more in English here
The original German here
Another ripping article from Australia's popular columnist Andrew Bolt, the man the Left loves to hate, concerning the refugee issue, in which he draws attention to a number of crucially salient points deliberately ignored by most of the mainstream media:
".... Europe is paying the price for its weakness — and that of the US. They refused to intervene when jihadist and other groups started to attack Syria’s Assad regime, triggering the refugee exodus. Now Europe won’t defend its borders.
Europe has struggled to assimilate large Muslim populations in France, Sweden, Germany and elsewhere. Illegal immigration of 4000 people a day — mainly Muslim and young — represents an existential threat."Read Bolt's characteristic humdinger here
A quarter of an hour's worth of Geert Wilders here:
Meanwhile, consider the double standards so starkly described:
'While European countries are being lectured about their failure to take in enough refugees, Saudi Arabia – which has taken in precisely zero migrants – has 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house over 3 million people sitting empty.
The sprawling network of high quality tents are located in the city of Mina, spreading across a 20 square km valley, and are only used for 5 days of the year by Hajj pilgrims. As the website Amusing Planet reports, “For the rest of the year, Mina remains pretty much deserted.”....
While Europe is being burdened by potentially millions of people who don’t share the same culture or religion as the host population, Gulf Arab states refuse to pull their weight, resolving only to throw money at the problem.'Read the rest here
And the government's response to extremist preachers? Imams will have to register...
Imams? Take a look at the accompanying picture. Then read the article. They are not coming after the Imams. They are coming after everyone aka Jews and Christians.
Thank you, Ian! Just got my internet connection up and running again.