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"... Keep fighting", she says |
'For most of my life, antisemitism was not an issue. Now it is....
I know what this country is and I love it. I intend to live here all my life and die here ...And I am confident I will be left in peace to do that.
Yet just recently, things are a bit different. Almost every Jew feels it. I know I’m not alone....
Two things changed this. And the first was 9/11.
When baffling events happen, planes coming out of a clear blue New York sky, people look for an explanation, a wrong that can be righted, an appeal that can be made to reason. And very often in history, the answer involves doing something about the Jews. I’m just saying. It does.
So it was after the twin towers came down. I had just started writing for The Times and I began to get antisemitic correspondence....
[N]ow it would be unthinkable to organise a Jewish event of any kind without really quite strict security. My son goes to a Jewish primary school, as his brothers did before him. We have proper security there. My child goes to school behind several sets of very high, electronically controlled gates and bars, and a guard. None of the parents regards that as unnecessary.
The other thing that changed was the rise of electronic correspondence and social media. This enabled antisemites to get in touch with me and with each other....
All this has been going on for quite a while. Yet there is no question about it, Gaza has made things worse....
[M]uch anti-Zionism is entangled with antisemitism.... There is much that is antisemitic in intent and much that is antisemitic in effect.
It is antisemitic to suggest that the world is being dominated by the great pariah state of Israel, defending its own interests through money and power. It is antisemitic to suggest that the “Zionists” control the media. It is antisemitic to elevate the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians high above all the wrongs being done, not least to Palestinians, by neighbouring states.
Anyone who doesn’t appreciate that at least part of this is fuelled by doctrine that preaches hatred against Jews is as ignorant as someone who suggests that all of it is....
[The protesters] hold out the implicit threat that you can live here in peace — here, in Britain — but not if you want to support Israel....
And when Jews see young men giving reverse Nazi salutes in France and protesting outside synagogues and harassing Jews, it’s no wonder we feel uncomfortable. And I worry — for the first time in my life, I do, I worry — about walking to synagogue on the Jewish new year.
....[M]ost of us Jews, wherever we are in the world, have a niggling feeling that perhaps it might be a good idea to keep a suitcase packed, and many of us have had, at least once, a conversation about where we would go if we had to.
I don’t have such a suitcase. I won’t need it, I know I won’t. But If I told you that I didn’t understand it, I’d be lying.'Watch this video (hat tip reader and resource extraordinaire Ian) to see the sheer venom and ignorance that drives the anti-Israel demonstrations connected with Operation Protective Edge:
And watch here for middle-aged women, including some in the video above, as well as the deluded fan pictured above with her hair hidden under a keffiyeh) sending messages of support to terror group Hamas, whose only concept of equal opportunity for women is as suicide bombers, mothers of suicide bombers, and human shields!
Be sure to see also here
all these israel hating women seem to go to the same awful hairdresser and awful clothes shop ....
ReplyDeleteLOL :)
DeleteWhat IS it with those ugly old crones - I have suspected them for a long time to be desperate - why are they still here? Why are they not off to join the sex-jihad, they might finally get their fantasies fulfilled. YUK
ReplyDeleteI'm referring to the pen-ultimate video in thread. And feel free, Daphne, to not post this little vent.