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Ali in his shroud |
All decent people, including the vast majority of Israelis and Jews around the world, condemn the vile attack upon Ali and his parents and brother, as they slept, and wish the terribly injured survivors a full and speedy recovery.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, of course, has been swift to do just that. Having visited Ali's four-year-old brother, Ahmed Sa'ed, in the hospital that is treating him for burns to sixty per cent of his body, Netanyahu said, inter alia:
"....When you stand next to the bed of this small child, and his infant brother had been so brutally murdered, we're shocked, we're outraged. We condemn this. There is zero tolerance for terrorism wherever it comes from, whatever side of the fence it comes from, we have to fight it and fight it together.
I spoke to President Abu Mazen right before I entered the hospital. I told him of this visit and of Israel's absolute commitment to find the perpetrators, bring them to justice. We have to calm the spirits and recommit ourselves to our joint battle against terrorism and extremism
It's something that all parts of the Israeli government and all parts of Israeli society agree on.
It's important that we make a common cause with our Palestinian neighbors to give ourselves a better future: a future free of violence, free of terror, a future of peace."Reacting yesterday to news of the little boy's death, Dr Aaron Lerner of the website IMRA
– Independent Media Review and Analysis, captured well the essence of the Israeli response in his piece entitled Critical Difference Between Israeli and Palestinian Reaction To Terror By Countrymen
The despicable terror attack today against a Palestinian family apparently carried out by Jews was properly immediately and vocally condemned as terror by the entire spectrum of Israeli society with calls for the arrest, prosecution and punishment of those who carried out this vile crime.
As Palestinian rush to try and exploit this terrible event against Israel at various international forums it is most appropriate to contrast the response of Israeli officials to a terror attack carried out by Israelis to the response of Palestinian officials to terror attacks carried out by Palestinians:
1. Israelis call for the perpetrators to be arrested. Palestinians are silent on this.
2. Should the perpetrators be detained Israeli calls for them to be prosecuted and punished with imprisonment. Palestinians call for the perpetrators to be released.
3. The perpetrators receive no Israeli government support, The perpetrators receive high salaries from the Palestinian Authority – the greater the crime (as reflected in prison term) the higher the salary paid by the Palestinian Authority to the perpetrator. All this regardless of if the act of terror of the perpetrator was condemned in a press release issued by Palestinian officials.
Meanwhile, here's the word from Hamas4. The Government of Israel and the Israeli educational system makes no favorable reference to the perpetrators. The Palestinian Authority honors the perpetrators for their “contribution to the struggle”. All this regardless of if the act of terror of the perpetrator was condemned in a press release issued by Palestinian officials.
Needless to say, too, Israel's enemies have gone into overdrive regarding this crime, using it as yet another tool in their inexorable determination to demonise, undermine and destroy Israel and that little country's supporters round the world.
Here, for instance, is the co-founder of Electronic Intifada, waxing hyperbolic:
Here's the PLO, courtesy of the ABC's Sophie McNeill, making the most of an opportunity:
And here, rather obsessively, is a certain candidate for Mayor of London:

The incorrigible antisemites on social media and elsewhere are, predictably, having a field day, with some very intemperate sentiments indeed. Look, for example, at the comments here
And the tragic death of little Ali has been incorporated into a demo by the usual suspects outside the BBC's London headquarters to protest (wait for it!) the BBC's support for Israel! (Are they watching the same BBC as the rest of us?!):
(On social media, incidentally, the chatter from some Muslim Israel-haters regarding a similar event due to take place outside the BBC's Manchester headquarters has focused wistfully on a suggestion from one of their number that the demonstrators should make a detour through Prestwich, a neighbourhood where many Jews live...)
As for the stabbing of participants in a gay parade in Tel Aviv last week, an attack roundly denounced by Bibi:
From the always obnoxious Steven Salaita, who is mystified why no American University will employ him
Thanks as always, Ian.