Tuesday, 22 December 2015

"The Cultural-Economic Boycott of the Jewish State Draws a Great Deal of Strength from Christianity"

With regard to this item, Professor W.D. (Bill) 
Rubinstein has written a guest blog, as follows, showing what a bunch of leftist ratbags constitute Australia's Uniting Church and how that church is in decline:

'The Uniting Church is the third largest Christian denomination in Australia, behind the Catholics and the Anglicans. It was founded in 1977 by a merger of most (not all) Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists (and thus is unique to Australia). It is also well-known for its extreme left-wing stance on every conceivable issue.

In recent weeks it has also gone on record as endorsing most of the BDS movement, although it has previously attacked Israel several times before. Needless to say, it has nothing whatever to say about, for instance, the Syrian conflict, in which Assad has killed 250,000 of his own people, or, indeed, Islamic terrorism.
 Its takes on so-called "social justice" issues, which may be seen on its website, is a virtual pastiche of left-wing, politically correct stances on every known left-wing cause: climate change, disarmament, gays, Aborigines, illegal immigrants, a "fairer tax system" (this is particularly rich coming from a body exempt from taxation)- you name it, the Uniting Church has jumped on every politically correct bandwagon that has rolled along, apparently to the exclusion of any and all traditional religious issues. Needless to say, the left's current "when in doubt, kick the Jews" mantra is well to the fore.
My main point here, however, is to highlight the fact that the Uniting Church is a body, in terms of its membership, in catastrophic decline. The statistics of this decline are simply staggering. To its credit, the Uniting Church collects and publishes accurate statistics about itself, most recently in the 2013 Uniting Church Census, released in 2014 and available online. The picture this document presents is of a church rapidly heading for extinction. In 1991, on a typical Sunday 163,000 people attended a Uniting Church service anywhere in Australia. In 2013 that number had declined to only 97,000 in the entire country, barely more than the number attending an important AFL [Australian Football League] game on a weekend in August.
 Probably ten times as many people in Australia will see the newest Star Wars movie in the next month. Between 1991 and 2013, attendance at a Uniting Church service has thus declined by 40 per cent. This figure is actually even worse than it seems at first, since in the same period the population of Australia has increased by 35 per cent, from 17 million to 23 million.
In the same period the number of active Uniting Church congregations has declined from 3019 to 2078- in other words, 31 per cent of all Uniting Church congregations have simply closed down through lack of members in only twenty-two years. According to the same survey, 26 per cent of its congregations had no children as members, while another 28 per cent had only 1-4 children as members. In 2013 the average Uniting Church congregation had 2.0 baptisms of new members- and 3.66 funerals. Any business with this track record of abject failure would have long since sacked its entire management- assuming, of course, that it had not already filed for bankruptcy.
It seems very likely- perhaps undeniable – that this diminution in numbers is related to the Uniting Church's left-wing stance on every known issue. Literally hundreds of thousands of former Church adherents have voted with their feet to leave it, in all likelihood most of them conventional families with children. Like other liberal Protestant denominations the Uniting Church may imagine that it can acquire a new source of membership from among minorities, refugees, the poor, gays, political activists, and so on, but all the evidence suggests that their numbers are simply too small to begin to balance the disappearing mainstream.
 The decline of the Uniting Church is also a cause, as well as a product, of its left-wing agenda. As the Church shrinks and conservatives and moderates leave in droves, those remaining will consist, as an ever-greater percentage of its total membership, of committed radicals, whose power and influence within the Church will automatically increase as the Church declines in membership. Soon, however, there may be nothing left. Jews and others who are concerned at the Uniting Church's stance on Israel should bear in mind that they may not have a problem for much longer, although its hostility towards Israel and, indeed, to the West may be louder than ever.'
That is, obviously, reassuring.

Nevertheless, as Richard Mather recently points out in a must-read piece concerning the Christian war on Israel on another front, the despicable collusion of some western Christians in the ludicrous fiction that Jesus was a "Palestinian":
'Of all the anti-Israel discourses that exist today, Christian Palestinianism is perhaps one of the most disturbing because it resurrects the notion of Jews as accursed Christ-killers who deserve permanent exile. As with all anti-Semitic ideas, Christian Palestinianism is about resentment. It is a projection of a sense of inferiority onto an external scapegoat – the Jews.
Egyptian Jewish writer Bat Ye’or believes that the concept of Jesus the Palestinian is symbolic of a growing religious trend – Palestinian replacement theology and the gradual Islamisation of Christianity. Christian Palestinianists, according to Ye’or interpret the Bible from an Islamic point of view and “do not admit to any historical or theological link between the biblical Israel, the Jewish people and the modern State of Israel.”
Ye’or also points to the similarity between Palestinian replacement theology and Marcion gnosticism, which was a second century Christian heresy. Marcion gnostics rejected the Hebrew Bible and believed that the God of Israel was inferior to the God of the New Testament.  Likewise, Christian Palestinianists want to “de-Zionise” the Tanakh, strip Jesus of his Jewish heritage and neutralise prophetic statements relating to Jews and the land of Israel.
Read article here
As well as being  politically motivated, Christian Palestinianism is a religious assault on Judaism and should be seen in the context of centuries of anti-Jewish persecution and ridicule by both Christians and Muslims who are embarrassed and frustrated by the continued existence of the Jewish people.
Make no mistake. The cultural-economic boycott of the Jewish state draws a great deal of strength from Christianity. Much of the anti-Zionism emanating from West can be traced back to faith-based organisations who are either ambivalent about Israel or downright hostile. Christian Aid, the Quakers, the Church of England, the Church of Scotland and the Presbyterians are among those who are guilty of demonising Israel.
And then there are individuals such as Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer (a prominent and notorious Anglican vicar in England) who believes that Jerusalem and the land of Israel “have been made irrelevant to God’s redemptive purposes,” and that Jews were expelled from the land because “they were more interested in money and power.”
In other words, it is not just Islam and the Left that are responsible for the ostracism and demonisation of the Jewish state. Many Christians, especially those who have embraced the new anti-Semitic replacement theology known as Christian Palestinianism, should be held to account for rekindling the same anti-Jewish prejudices and hatreds that resulted in the Holocaust.' [Emphasis added]
If you live in or near Los Angeles the following conference may be for you:

 Read about it here

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