Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Sheer Nonsense About "Apartheid" (video)

Some familiar fanatics here.  Israel-demonising seems to be their all-consuming hobby, but I guess the bloke with the Irish accent and the grey-haired gal with the fruity tones (often heard in other videos by our old mate Alex Seymour)  have left off reciting anti-Israel "poetry" to hapless Tube train commuters, which was a stunt of theirs a couple of years or so back.

Watch the well-spoken "man of colour" (as he describes himself) tell his eager interviewer that there's no greater "display of apartheid than the wall" (obviously, he hasn't read my post here!) and his adulation for a certain politician (no prizes for guessing the one he has in mind!).

I would have thought Israel-bashing by the Frauen might have taken a back seat in Deutschland, given the troubles that Mrs Merkel's Open Door policy seems to be wreaking for the female of the species:

Read article here
 But, no, they're still staging "flash mob" stunts.  Careful, ladies, you might one day find yourselves prone for real, if the above article is any indication.

1 comment:

  1. Media in Europe is no more or less left wing propaganda than it is anywhere else. The NYT descrbes dead mass murderer Sami Qantar as an 'activist' or 'militant'. Western media can't use the term 'Muslim terrorist' even when the Muslim terrorist themselves use that term about themselves. So when Spanish media or French media or German media carry the party line that Jews are evil why is anyone amazed? That's their job. If there were an Islamic mass murder in Munich tomorrow German media would fumble for 5 days before grudgingly calling it what it is but it would be followed up with Merkel statements that they need to bring in a million more of them.


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