Monday, 21 December 2015

"Not Much Different From Harper": Canadian anti-Israel fanatic in London tells (video)

In London on Saturday, musically-challenged anti-Israel fanatics demonstrate yet again outside the Israeli Sabon store, incidentally turning a carol into a dirge.

The video-maker, arch-BDSer/Israel-hater Alex Seymour, bails up a Canadian BDSer, a  young bloke who mouths, albeit in soft tones, all the usual bile against Israel, alleging its misdeeds "since 1948" and regretting that the "right of return" isn't recognised, before turning to the issue of whether Justin Trudeau will prove "better" than Stephen Harper.  Alas, it seems that "there's a very big Zionist lobby" in Canada just as there is in its neighbour to the south, and that on a certain issue, therefore, Trudeau is likely to be "not much different from Harper".

Aw, shame.

Have a Merry Christmas nonetheless, Mr Alex Seymour; thanks for the videos, and go easy on the fruitcake!

Meanwhile, our old friend Mick Napier and his Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign have a dodgy Yuletide quiz for the delectation of the Israel-demonising crowd.  (How about a few questions about all the beneficial technological and medical breakthroughs that emanate from the Zionist Entity, eh, Mick?)

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