Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Waking Up To Reality

"I think we need to wake up to the reality," says British Islamic extremist Anjem Choudary towards the end of this video, in which he vents shocking views towards non-Muslims in the wake of Drummer Rigby's murder.

He's right of course, we do need to wake up to reality, but not in the way he means. (See, by the way, this pertinent article re double standards in Britain towards the stirring up of racial hatred.)

On the very day that it's revealed that the Australian Minister for Immigration was kept in the dark for eight months about the fact that an illegal immigrant being held in a not highly secure family detention centre is a convicted member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, comes this article regarding the ostrich-like stance of American officialdom towards the jihadist terror threat:

"Why has the U.S. government called certain Islamic groups supporters of terror in federal court, and then turned around and called these same organizations “moderates” and embraced them as outreach partners? In a number of cases from the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, the leaders of these organizations (some of whom are now in federal prison) were under active investigation at the same time they were meeting with senior U.S. leaders at the White House and the Capitol and helping develop U.S. policy. Now these same Islamic organizations and leaders have openly encouraged a purge of counterterrorism training that have effectively blinded law enforcement, homeland security, and intelligence agencies to active terror threats as seen in the inaction of the FBI concerning the Boston bombing suspects and other terror cases. This study poses serious questions as to the efficacy and even security concerns about U.S. government outreach to Islamic groups, which often turn out to be Islamist militants, enemies of Islamic moderation, and even supporters of terrorism"
 Read the disturbing rest here

On rather different note,  regarding Arab media antisemitism, please sign this petition

(For a whacky example of Iranian antisemitism see Ian G's blog here)


  1. 1. Here is the link to another (very short) video from this nasty piece of work, Choudary,where he laughs about the Kaffirs paying for his life style - he calls the Social Services which he gets from the UK tax payer "'Jihad Seekers Allowance ".

    2. Petition signed.

    3. Watched the Memry clip on G's blog in which the erudite Professor gives a truly intellectual analysis - Iranian-style - of Holliwood, Jews, and mice. These people are ARMED, so it's as frightening as it is nauseating.

    But speaking of mice: I have recently read one of the most poignant stories about the holocaust. The Wall Street Journal called it "The most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust" and the Boston Globe called it "A brutally moving work of art". It has recently been re-released (originally it was published 30 or 40 years ago). It's called simply "MAUS" by Art Spiegelman. (Winner of the Pulitzer Prize) - As unbelievable as it sounds, it's in "comic book" form. I have never been a fan of that media, but - if you have not read it, please do, it's quite unforgettable.

  2. Thanks for the name-check, Daphne. Much appreciated.

  3. OT
    More news not covered by the WCC
    Five church schools in Gaza face closure after Hamas order

  4. Meanwhile:


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