Wednesday, 5 June 2013

"The Jeu de Paume Honours Killers Of Jews"

This is a guest blog by M. Jean Vercors, from France, whose photographs with captions formed the substance of this post last year.

Writes Jean Vercors:

The Jeu de Paume in Paris is one of that city's most important exhibition spaces dedicated to photography, video, installation, and other image-based arts. Located on the edge of the Jardin des Tuileries, adjacent to the Musée de l'Orangerie, the Jeu de Paume regularly hosts exhibits highlighting important 20th and 21st century photographers, video artists, or performance artists.

From 28 May until 1 September 2013 the Jeu de Paume is honouring a photography exhibit from Palestinian militant Ahlam Shibli.
 An apology for terrorism

 Here (in French, with English version following it) is my letter to the museum.

 Paris, le 29 mai 2013

 Madame La Directrice Marta Gili

 Le musée du Jeu de Paume connu dans le monde et subventionné par Le Ministère de la Culture propose depuis le 28 mai au 1 septembre 2013 à  ses visiteurs, une exposition de la photographe Palestinienne Ahlam Shibli.

 Cette exposition « Foyer Fantôme » est constituée de 68 photographies de portraits de terroristes palestiniens, tous membres des brigades des martyrs d'Al Aksa, organisation classée terroriste par Israël, les USA et l’Union Européenne

 Cette exposition met en avant la mémoire entretenue par des familles palestiniennes de ces hommes et femmes morts dans de nombreux attentats-suicide commis contre des civils israéliens.

 Les légendes qui accompagnent chaque photo reprennent systématiquement la terminologie du culte de la mort: « martyr mort en opération ».

 Le musée de paume honore des tueurs de Juifs.

En cautionnant une telle exposition qui est à mes yeux pure propagande anti Israélienne, celle-ci ne peut que produire d’autres tueurs de Juifs comme Mohamed Merah à Toulouse.

la propagande désigne un ensemble d’actions psychologiques influençant la perception publique des événements, des personnes ou des enjeux, de façon à endoctriner ou embrigader une population et la faire agir et penser d’une manière voulue. Et c’est exactement ce que fait cette exposition.

Une telle exposition exaltant du sacrifice humain et les attentats suicides,

Equivaut à faire « L’apologie du terrorisme » ou « l’appel à la haine et à la violence émanant de certains photographes militants.

 Merci de bien vouloir me faire part de vos commentaires sur cette exposition.

 Veuillez croire, Madame la directrice, à mes salutations distinguées.
Jean Vercors

 NB/Copie traduite et envoyée aux Medias US, Canadiens, Anglais, Australiens et Israéliens

Paris, May 29, 2013

 Madam Director Marta Gili

 The Jeu de Paume a well known museum in the world subsidized by The French  Ministry of Culture has since May 28 to September 1, 2013 offered visitors, an exhibition of Palestinian photographer Ahlam Shibli.

This "Phantom home" exhibition consists of 68 photographs of portraits of Palestinian terrorists, all members of the brigades of Al Aqsa Martyrs, ranked terrorist organization by Israel, the U.S. and the European Union

This exhibition highlights the memory maintained by Palestinian families of these men and women who died in numerous suicide bombings against Israeli civilians.

The captions that accompany each photo automatically resume terminology death cult "martyred in operation."

The Jeu de Paume honours killers of Jews.

Endorsing such an exhibition is to my eyes pure anti-Israeli propaganda, it can only produce MORE killers of Jews as Mohamed Merah in Toulouse.

Propaganda is a set of psychological operations affecting the public perception of events, people or issues in order to indoctrinate and indoctrinate the population and to think and act in a desired manner. And that's exactly what this exhibition does.

Such an exhibition of human sacrifice and suicide bombings, equals  to "The glorification of terrorism" or "incitement to hatred and violence by some activist photographers.

 I’ll appreciate your thoughts about this.

 Kind regards,
Jean Vercors

Update: William Goldnadel, a well-known French Jewish lawyer, has written an Open Letter to the Minister of Culture: see here


  1. France is a country with 6 million (or more) Muslims and a tremendous guilt trip (even today) over its bestial behaviour in suppressing the Algerian War (1954-62). In fact it was this disaster and its mess in French Indochina that empowered the Left to so shamelessly embrace Islamism and militant Arab colonialism in deference to their own 'claims' and in direct opposition to French cultural rights in their own country. That the Palestinians are antisemitic is simply the icing on the cake for France. It plundered the wealth of its Jewish citizens during the war and after the war its political classes picked at the bones of anything that remained, ensuring that both sides of the political divide got their fair share of the spoils. This lack of any shame is therefore hardly a surprise to those people who know anything of French history.

    1. Thank you for that interesting, thought-provoking comment.


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