Thursday, 6 June 2013

Brisbane BDSers Bark & Bellow (video)

A middle-aged bloke in an acubra hat and a sprinkling of elderly women, one of whom attempts to interest a cop in a supermarket in literature demonising the Jewish State as he comes to put a stop to their antics, are among the mainly young assortment of BDS fanatics slandering Israel and making nuisances of themselves in Brisbane on one of their days out on the town to inveigh against Israeli "apartheid," "genocide," and "colonisation":

Hat tip: reader Shirlee


  1. It's like they were all called from central casting for "Dirty Hippie"

  2. Shirlee emailed me this but I couldn't bring myself to look at it until now, let alone put it up - even though I live closest.

    Perhaps that's the problem.

    Anyway a great ad for Eskal and Seacret. That deserves a wider audience.

  3. These are all new faces. None of the oldies apart from Phil Monsour are featured

    1. One of what you call "the enemy within" sounds off:

    2. I wrote this to the AJN but it wasn't published. Another couple of people's weren't either. They have been covering for weeks now and the Slesak issue with Limmud Oz is the flavour of the moment. Sit down here "A couple of our **leaders** have finally had the guts to open their mouths !!

      ****I am told that the condemnation of the AJDS at the meeting of the JCCV on June 3rd, was scathing, so how on earth did they manage to stay put despite of what was meted out from all quarters?
      We now have our very own Jewish BDS group as an accepted part of the Victorian Jewish Community. This is unbelievable and unacceptable. I and many others spent a good part of a year working against the BDS and now they are amongst us !! Wasn’t their major performance on Green Sunday enough for the JCCV to say “Enough is enough”? Yes, I know they say it was not an officially sanctioned act, but the mere fact their President was part of the group and it was after all posted on their Facebook page gives us a clue that it was.
      We must be the laughing stock of World Jewry, well at least the State of Victoria must be.
      I doubt there are too many people in the Community who take the fact lightly of having an enemy in our midst. That is what the AJDS are.
      Their support for an organisation, which is racist and antisemitic, devised by Omar Barghouti with the intention of the delegitimising the State of Israel, tells us that. Most commentators consider that his expressed motivation is the demise of Israel and this is what is driving BDS everywhere and the AJDS have joined this effort
      By accepting them under the umbrella of an official organisation, the JCCV have by extension, admitted Australians for Palestine too. The mere fact they have posts on their Facebook page by Samah Sabawi proves that point. ***

  4. Take a look at the new issue of the AJN - big feature on how Aussie tax payers are unwittingly funding BDS...

  5. Daphne this issue has been going for over a year now I had all the information about it before it was made public.

    Last year I organised two events for Andrew (Akiva) Hamilton from Shurat HaDin. A close friend funds them and made Andrew available for me. He has just been to Perth.

    This reared it's head last month again.

    World Vision Australia Rejects Allegations it Provided Financial Aid to Terrorists

    Shurat HaDin Claims World Vision Whitewash

  6. What a deluded rabble of die hard Marxists, all chanting "shame shame" what about the shame of 100 million murdered in communist democides?
    One of the useful idiots slipped up and said indigenous Bedouins, so what does that make the rest of the Arabs, 634ad squatters.

  7. PepsiCo to buy Soda Stream for 2 billion dollars # BDS fail


    1. Wow, thanks for that Harvey.

    2. Now on reading your link Harvey, I see what you have written is not correct as Pepsi are denying the rumour

  8. OT
    A great video on the odious Richard Falk
    Why the UN's Falk is Lobbying to Silence UN Watch

  9. I suspect that a good many of the 500 or so views of this video on Youtube actually "dropped by" via blogs like this one. It's a telling fact that there are NO comments there. I tried to leave one and got a notice that comments are moderated. The obvious conclusion is, that no-one so far has left any positive comments. I also note that the "dislikes" outnumber the "likes". It makes me wonder if publishing this video and others like it, is not, in fact, giving the enemy free publicity.

    1. I know - it's a dilemma, and I do hesitate before giving them oxygen. I do, however, like to show what the enemy is up to and how they think.

    2. Then might I make a suggestion? If your readers ARE tempted to drop by and keep tabs on the enemy, they should leave a "dislike" every time they do so.


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