Tuesday, 23 July 2019

US Antisemitism: What The Caged Bird Warns

There is much more at source, and it needs to be read!  But, briefly to quote Canary Mission:
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a Chicago-based anti-Israel organization that describes itself as “a national education and grassroots-based organization, dedicated to educating the American public about Palestine and its rich cultural, historical and religious heritage.”
AMP’s website states that its mission is accomplished through the creation and dissemination of educational materials, “community-based programing [sic] and engaging with regional and national media.”
As of February 2019, AMP’s website called for “an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, an end to Israeli settlement construction and an end to Israel’s siege on Gaza.”
The organization promotes the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement and has spearheaded multiple BDS campaigns.
In 2016, AMP was referred to as campus anti-Israel group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)’s “most important sponsor and organizer” and “a leading driver” of BDS in the U.S.
In 2010, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) wrote an article accusing AMP of providing a platform for anti-Semitism. AMP has also hosted many anti-Israel rallies nationwide where speakers have called [00:00:11] for “intifada,” a term that carries the connotation of violence.
AMP leaders have spread anti-Semitism, expressed support for Hamas terrorists and praised the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and its spiritual leader. As of February 2019, one AMP national board member reportedly [p.48] raised money for Hamas, while another two board members have been linked [p.2] to alleged Hamas financiers.
Watch Canary Bird's important video regarding American Muslims for Palestine's foul Jew-hatred here

1 comment:

  1. Melanie Phillips said:

    “Yet the Democratic Party, which still
    attracts unquestioning support from some
    three-quarters of Jewish voters, has
    failed to discipline these women
    [Ilhan Omar (Democrat-Minnesota),
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat-New York),
    Rashida Tlaib (Democrat-Michigan) and
    Ayanna Pressley (Democrat-Massachusetts)]
    — not just for their Jew-baiting,
    but also for their deep-dyed anti-Americanism
    and anti-White racism.”

    SOURCE: In Trump vs. 'the Squad,'
    American Jews have picked the wrong target

    by Melanie Phillips, 2019/7/18


    Harry Maryles said:

    “These four freshmen congresswomen have
    been granted far more attention, influence,
    and power than any other first-term
    congressmen in US history!”

    SOURCE: A Word to My Readers
    by Harry Maryles, 2019 July 17


    The most senior Democrat in the USA government,
    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has also condemned

    “[Ilhan] Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes
    and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s
    supporters” as “deeply offensive.”

    SOURCE: Ilhan Omar’s Pro-BDS Resolution
    Isn’t About Free Speech — It’s About Hating
    Israel and Jews
    by Adelle Nazarian, 2019/7/19


    Jonathan S. Tobin [Editor in Chief of
    JNS dot org, Jewish News Syndicate] said:

    “Much of that animus stems from the fact
    that many Liberals have never forgiven
    the Israeli people for embracing the
    Israeli Right-wing coalition that Netanyahu
    now heads, while the Labor Zionist movement
    that Ben-Gurion once led became marginalized.”

    What Will History Say About Netanyahu?
    by Jonathan S. Tobin, Editor of JNS dot org, 2019/7/21


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