Wednesday, 24 July 2019

David Singer: PLO Blocks West Bank Arabs Leaving for a Better Life

Here's the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Saeb Erekat has told a political symposium in Jericho that West Bank Arabs would not be allowed to voluntarily leave  ̶  virtually holding them captives against their will.

Erekat stated:
“We will not allow resettlement or formation of refugee committees for that aim, while holding on to the settlement of their cause in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions.”
Michael Lynk  ̶  the United Nations Human Rights Council’s “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967”  ̶  had issued a statement on June 28 endorsing the right to freedom of movement  ̶  enshrined in Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Erekat’s outrageous threat was not responding to Lynk’s comments  ̶  but to leaked reports claiming the United States might be seeking the resettlement of Palestinian refugees in at least five Arab neighbouring countries.

If confirmed, West Bank Arabs could well be prepared to voluntarily leave the West Bank in large numbers  ̶  especially if offered the opportunity to legally enter other Arab countries and receive financial assistance for rehousing and resettlement there.

President Trump has a massive US$28.7 billion possibly available to aid West Bank Arabs who want to emigrate,  being the money he wanted to plough into revitalising the West Bank and Gaza  ̶  which both the PLO and Hamas unbelievably rejected.

Given the state of relationships between Israel, the PLO and Hamas  ̶  spending that money earmarked for projects within the West Bank and Gaza was a highly questionable exercise that could have seen the destruction of such projects in future conflicts between these three long-time enemies.

Helping those desperate to emigrate who have suffered the perverse decisions of the PLO during the last 25 years is a much more targeted use of the money  ̶  guaranteeing a far better outcome for West Bank Arabs and their families.
The 2019 Human Rights Watch Report evidences the toxic nature of the West Bank:
  • the PLO arrested activists who criticized their leaders, security forces, or policies, and mistreated and tortured some in their custody.
  • The Independent Commission for Human Rights in Palestine (ICHR), a statutory commission charged with monitoring human rights compliance by the Palestinian authorities, received 205 complaints of torture and ill-treatment by West Bank security forces as of October 31, 2018.
  • In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli security forces fatally shot 27 Palestinians and wounded at least 5,444,
  • Attacks by Israeli settlers injured 61 Palestinians and damaged property in 147 incidents.
  • Palestinians killed 10 Israelis, including six civilians, and wounded at least 58 in the same period in the West Bank.
Since the 1993 Oslo Accords  ̶  95 per cent of the West Bank Arab population has been under total PLO administrative control.

Real growth declined to around 2 percent in 2018  ̶  lower than its average in previous years. The 2018 unemployment rate was 17.6 percent.  Youth unemployment between ages 15-24 is 29.8 percent. 

The World Bank has concluded that lack of progress towards peace and reconciliation creates an unsustainable economic situation. The PLO has refused to negotiate with Israel since April 2014 and has failed to call elections since 2007.
The only media outlet to report Erekat’s incendiary statement was the Chinese news agency Xinhua.
The remaining media’s failure to report  ̶  and the UN Special Rapporteur’s failure to condemn Erekat’s controversial announcement  ̶  are despicable.

Hopefully President Trump will pressure the PLO to reverse its position and offer a window of opportunity for those to leave who wish to do so.

Offering West Bank Arabs a lifeline to a better future elsewhere is long overdue.

 Author’s note: The cartoon — commissioned exclusively for this article — is by Yaakov Kirschen aka “Dry Bones”  one of Israel’s foremost political and social commentators — whose cartoons have graced the columns of Israeli and international media publications for decades. His cartoons can be viewed at Drybonesblog


  1. What's the word or phrase I'm looking air prison? Concentration camp? Hmmm. The PLO is running......what's the term? Slave labor camps? fascinating.

  2. Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Roman historian
    who lived from year 56 CE (approximately)
    to year 120 CE said:

    “Much of Judea is thickly studded with
    villages, and the Jews have towns as well.

    Their capital is Jerusalem.

    Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

    The Western World (page 141)
    by Pearson Custom Publishing, 2009 CE

    The Histories by Tacitus,
    The Jews (Book 5), paragraph 8 of 13.

    NOTE: Remember this when people
    attempt to deny that Jews lived in the Holy Land.


    Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?


    Captain James T. Kirk said:

    “We DO NOT negotiate with those who
    threaten our lives or the lives of others.”

    SOURCE: Star Trek: Savage Trade
    (chapter 17, bottom of page 303) by Tony Daniel,
    year 2015 CE, Pocket Books, New York,
    ISBN: 9781476765501 * ISBN: 1476765502

    Mr. Charlie Kirk (a Conservative activist) said:

    “They [the political Leftists] hate
    the idea that certain countries can be
    better than others, and Israel is one
    of the greatest success stories in
    history of the world.

    The [political] Left does not want
    those success stories to exist.”

    Conservative activist Charlie Kirk
    speaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel:

    by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20


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