Friday, 11 August 2017

"The Enemy Has Changed, The Enemy is More Sophisticated" (video)

"I'm a servant of the Lord," explains British businessman Gerald Ronson, a Jew "in my soul and in my heart".  His two oldest grandchildren live in Israel.

From 2:20 in this J-TV video ( he tells what compelled him to found the Community Security Trust (CST) and from 3:20 he declares his belief that were Jeremy Corbyn to become prime minister antisemitism in Britain would increase:

That antisemitism has become more brazen in Britain than at any stage since the Second World War is seen in this article by the great Melanie Phillips regarding Corbynista Jackie Walker's shameful one-woman show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


  1. Hi Daphne
    Maybe it's just me but the link to Melanie's article seems to just go back to the video.

    1. Try pasting this into your search bar, Geoff
      There is both a video and the article

    2. Ta Daphne,
      That worked.
      Not a single word I would disagree with.

    3. The usual suspects are bleatingly happy that the Jewish Chronicle's report on the Fringe event by somebody Levitt soft-peddled the antisemitism. The JC is a poor excuse for a Jewish newspaper sometimes.

  2. Why do Jews hate free speech so much? For example, Mark Zuckerberg, a jew, will censor anything politically incorrect on Facebook and block you from posting for 30 days. Or what about the so called Holocaust? Why aren't we allowed to QUESTION if this "event" actually happened? There is zero physical proof the Holocaust happened and a guy got put in jail in Germany for 7 FUCKING YEARS simply for writing a 44 page book called "Did 6 Million Really Die?"

    The younger generation is not fooled by the lies of the Jews. Generation Z, that is people under 18, hang out at free speech sites like 4chan where they discuss the TRUTH. The TRUTH is that the Holocaust never happened, and that Jews control our media, educational institutions, medical industry, big pharma industry, government, and religious institutions. Basically, America and the West is living under a Jewish totalitarian state that HATES free speech.

    What is going to happen when this younger generation grows up and truly realizes how badly they have been betrayed by Jews? The Holocaust never happened but already a lot of them, kids only 13 or 14 years old, are saying they wish the Holocaust did happen. You Jews are digging your own graves and the younger generation are not going to tolerate you Jewish fascists any more. Don't be surprised if a new Hitler comes into power as early as 2024 and solves the JEWISH problem once and for all, a FINAL solution. You Jews brought this on yourselves, you fascist scum.

    1. I suggest that this poster pick up his local yellow pages, turn to the section headed "Psychiatrists," and phone for an appointment.

    2. Excellent riposte, HS! Not since a crazed nutjob who blogs in the dark recesses of the internet trolled this blog for a few months soon after I first began blogging have I seen such insane antisemitic trash on here as "Anonymous" has delivered. I sincerely hope he takes your advice and takes himself off to the shrink's couch.

  3. Yours is a classic example of demented antisemitism. I am happy to post it, for its illustrative value.

    1. This bloke is in orbit west of Pluto. The important thing is to make sure they know they do not scare us .

  4. Ten Deadly Lies about Israel
    by Ambassador Ron Dermer:
    Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:

    Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel:

    How a pro-Palestinian American reporter
    changed his views on Israel and the conflict
    by Hunter Stuart, 2017 February 15

  5. May hangs by a thread, clueless and unable to get out of her own way. Brexit will be reversed. Corbyn will be PM in 2-3 years. Pogroms in 4 years, at most.


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