Sunday, 13 August 2017

A Day Beside the Danube (video)

A Hungarian television crew introduces us to the sights of Vienna:

Now, what was it that pro-Israel Jordanian opposition leader Mudar Zahran warned of less than two years ago regarding Europe's "refugee" influx?  Ah, yes!
"This is only the beginning ...This is going to change Europe's culture ..."
And that isn't going to be good for Europe's Jews.

Meanwhile, notes ANSAmed:
'The number of people suspected of Islamic radicalization in France has risen by 60% in two years, reports Le Figaro.
The daily said that there are currently 18,550 cases within the Fichier des Signalements pour la Prévention et la Radicalisation à Caractère Terroriste (FSPRT), which collects reports from the prefect’s office, the police, gendarmerie and the public. Managed by the interior ministry, the system was set up in March 2015 and during the period of the Paris attacks in the same year there were 11,400 people listed.'

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