Sunday, 16 April 2017

'So Why "Free Palestine"?' (video)

At the site of the attack in Jerusalem that took the life of a young British exchange student and wounded two other people, a mindless anti-Israel activist, asked the above question, splutters a response:

Perhaps now she's in the Middle East she might care to confront these situations instead.


  1. I really don't see a downside to plucking every imprisoned terrorist, sticking them on a bus and dumping them at one of the European embassies with shoot to kill orders if they're released to Israel. Let them all be the problem of the nation states who support and embrace them. If the embassies are full up, put them on planes and fly them to their Promised Land. I am sure every European Capital would love to have them.

  2. Michael Danby in the Spec taking on Sophie McNeill's blatant bias

    Sophie’s bad choices

    1. Thanks, Ian. Some interesting articles there.
      btw, here's a nut:

    2. That one sounds like one of the Blumenthal clan of bigots. They're all deranged of course, there are countless stories like that.

      Neo-Nazi blog struggles after founder's wife is revealed to be Jewish

    3. Never heard of the clan! You're amazing!


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