Friday, 14 April 2017

Fergie (aka the Duchess of York) Condemns Israel's Anti-Terror Wall

On a visit to Bethlehem, Sarah Ferguson vows to propagandise for the Palestinians.

Pity she seems so ignorant of the case for Israel.


  1. Nathan of Plaza14 April 2017 at 13:35

    Porky has her price.

  2. Propaganda runs both ways. Let us loudly and constantly remind the world exactly who Sarah Ferguson is - the repeatedly in debt, former "royal" who has made a habit of selling her name to pay her bills and the former wife of Prince Andrew, AKA Randy Andy, who was removed from his royal duties promoting British business and industry abroad after selling his influence to Arab Governments and businesses in the Gulf.

  3. And for this we're supposed to care that the foreign office won't let the royal family visit Israel? Hell with them. Pass a law baring them for all eternity.

    1. I'm not sure that they can be held responsible for this venal vulgarian, Trudy!


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