Monday, 30 January 2017

"Is He a Jew, That One?" (video)

Bibi Netanyahu at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem:

 "....The Holocaust, thank G-d, is behind us, but the hatred and intolerance that drove it is not.
Antisemitism, which is the world’s oldest hatred, is experiencing a revival in the enlightened West, you can see this in European capitals, just unbelievable. The rise of antisemitism, the resurgence of antisemitism that is happening, and few would have imagined that this would be possible a few years ago.
It’s true that governments have shown responsibility, and on the whole have taken this up, in Eastern Europe and in Western Europe alike. But it is also true that this hatred is bubbling, coming out of these cracks, coming out in the open again.
Yet, as disturbing as this is, the greatest danger that we face, of the hatred for the Jewish people and the Jewish state, comes from the East. It comes from Iran. It comes from the ayatollah regime that is fanning these flames and calling outright for the destruction of the Jewish state.
I want you to think about a regime that openly declared its intention to eliminate every black person, every gay person, every European. I think the entire world would be outraged, and rightly so.
But when a regime merely calls to wipe out every Israeli – which is what they say day in day out, their most prominent leaders, they say it – what do we encounter? A deafening silence.
Now, that may change. I hope it will change. I believe it will change. Because I spoke a few days ago to President Trump and he spoke about the Iranian aggression. He spoke about Iran’s commitment to destroy Israel. He spoke about the nature of this nuclear agreement and the danger it poses. We spoke about it together.
I’m talking now not only in political terms. I’m talking about every person in the world, any person of conscience who’d speak out about the resurgence of the same attitude that decades ago openly said we’re out to destroy the Jewish people and today the same attitude that says we’re out to destroy the Jewish people of Israel or we’re out to destroy the Jewish state – it must encounter forceful consistent powerful resistance, in words and also in deeds.
As prime minister of Israel, I will not be silent, I haven’t been silent, and we don’t intend to be inactive either.
We don’t merely intend to speak out but we will take all the measures we need to defend ourselves, and we will take all the measures necessary to prevent Iran from getting the means of mass murder to carry out their horrible plans.
We cannot and will not be silent in the face of Iran’s stated aim of destroying Israel.
But we also know that the issue is not merely the Jewish state or the Jewish People. Because we’ve seen that this hatred, when it goes unchecked, spreads around the world, and in fact, in many ways, that is what is happening.
So it’s up to the forces of civilisation, the forces of conscience, the forces of responsibility to join together to stop this process."
Meanwhile, in a country whose monarch, during the Holocaust, set a shining example by famously standing steadfast with the Jews, the antisemitic face of Leftism, directed at a Jewish reporter who wanted to do a story about the "anti-fascist" group Antifa:


And from, the current state of play regarding a nuclear Iran:


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