Saturday, 28 January 2017

A Palestine-born Scholar of Islam's Advice for President Trump (video)

"Dear Mr President," begins the following video, an address in the form of an Open Letter by Professor Sami Aldeeb, a much-published Swiss scholar of Islam who happens to be of Palestinian Christian background.
'Your country, like Europe, the region where I come from, and the world are facing the rise of violence in particular by various Islamic terrorist groups. This violence is one of the causes of immigrant waves breaking on the shores of Europe, the US and other countries. In your statements, you highlighted these two issues.
 You  described “radical Islamic terrorism” as an “evil” unseen before, adding that it should be just “eradicated off the face of the earth”: “we gonna end it. It’s time. It’s time right now to end it”. But you have not said how you will achieve this goal. You also called Angela Merkel’s open door policy to refugees a “catastrophic mistake”, saying that Berlin, instead of hosting refugees, would have done better to advocate more for the creation of no-fly zones in Syria in order to protect the local population from the bombing. “The gulf states should have had to pay for them. After all, they have money like hardly anyone else has”.
Let me give you my humble opinion on these two issues.
Regarding radical Islamic terrorism, it is certainly necessary to fight it with weapons, but weapons alone will not suffice. It is also particularly important to eliminate the ideology on which radical Islamic terrorism is based, namely the Islamic ideology. To take adequate action we must call things by their name.
The radical Islamic terrorism is based on the Koran, the Sunnah of Muhammad and the teachings of Islam. Radical Islamic terrorist groups are only putting into practice what universities, Islamic centers, schools and mosques have been teaching for fourteen centuries in all Muslim countries, and even in Western countries, including yours. Egyptian journalists and intellectuals continue to denounce this teaching, which is the source of terrorism that destabilizes Egypt. This teaching is conveyed by mosques, schools and universities of Al-Azhar, the most important religious institution in the Sunni world. Without a radical change of this teaching, it is impossible to end the radical Islamic terrorism. But how to proceed?'
View the video to find out, or read Professor Aldeeb's post here

"ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist groups faithfully apply the teachings of Islam. Western leaders who claim that the practices of these terrorist groups have nothing to do with Islam are misled and are in turn misleading their citizens. This is why they fail to eradicate radical Islamic terrorism. A doctor who wrongly diagnoses a disease exposes the patient to fatal danger...."
Pertinent advice for Theresa May, wouldn't you say?

Not to mention all the other Western leaders in denial:
"Regarding immigration, it is extremely likely that if Western countries open their doors, some hundred million Muslims will emigrate to escape the hell of the Arab and Muslim countries. Thousands of Muslims are trying to cross the borders risking their lives and finding themselves in inhuman situations. These Muslims carry the ideology that destroyed their own country, an ideology that will ultimately destroy the West too. On the other hand, many Muslims are incarcerated in Western prisons where they are further radicalized. It is estimated that 70% of prisoners in France are Muslims. When these prisoners will leave their prisons after they have completed their sentences, they will destroy the West. Terrorists who committed attacks in Europe and in your country went through these prisons, which are real terrorist nurseries."
Meanwhile, at Birzeit University near Ramallah:
"O Shabiba, this is a call to arms!"

To quote the translator and uploader,
'The Birzeit University "Shabiba" student movement marked the 52nd anniversary of the establishment of Fatah with military parades and festivities. Armed and masked men in fatigues marched and shouted slogans, such as "Blow up the head of the settler!" Footage was uploaded to the Facebook page of Birzeit University's Shabiba in January.'
Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog

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