Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Kiwi Muslim Preacher: "Jews are using everybody because their protocol is to rule the world" (video)

My previous post shows Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar indulging in antisemitic fantasies.

Here, now, is Fijian-born Shaykh Dr Mohammad Anwar Sahib indulging in an anti-Jewish hate speech of his own.

This Salafist, educated at Saudi Arabia's Madinah University and, inter alia, a specialist in da'wah (see this warm introduction for him at a conference in Kiwiland in which he talks on the subject "How to please your husband" which runs into three videos in all), is currently the President of the At Taqwa Mosque in Manukau, Auckland, and is also secretary of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) Ulama Council and FIANZ Advisory Board.

The old fellow has form in the anti-Jew, anti-Christian, anti-women stakes.

This latest hate speech of his has been roundly condemned by the New Zealand Human Rights Commission.  See more here 

Says Stephen Goodman, president of the NZ Jewish Council:
"That a senior member of FIANZ, an organization we have worked with over many years, is openly and repeatedly preaching such sentiments is deeply concerning. There is no place for this sort of hate-based rhetoric in New Zealand civil society."
I guess that's why many Jews in the West, condemned of course by the holier-than-thou leftist Jewish brigade, are have the temerity to suggest that mass Muslim migration to western countries is not a very good idea.

Marching against the Zionist Entity in Auckland

Funny (funny peculiar not funny ha ha), though,  that the leftist feministas who infest the anti-Israel movement and scream against Donald Trump's denigration of women don't speak out more strongly against Muslim hardcore misogynists like him.


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