Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Hamas Leader on "Possible Jew" Trump & "Jewish Money" (video)

"Trump loves the Jews ... He should ask his father where he came from ... I do not rule out the possibility he is a Jew ... He loves the Jewish  religion, and the most important thing in the Jewish religion is money ..."

So says Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar in ranting that "Jewish money" is the key to US decision-making:

Broadcast on Al-Jazeera (Qatar), 9 November.
Just released with translation by Memri.org
Video owned by MEMRITV Institution
The Middle East Media Research Institute is a not-for-profit press monitoring and analysis organization with headquarters in Washington, DC


  1. More NewYork Times Double Standards against Israel:


    May G_d grant me that I should live to see the day when all Jews get smart and STOP BUYING THE NEW YORK TIMES and all other accursed anti-Jewish newspapers anti-Jewish magazines.

  2. "If a divine disaster hits an infidel I'm happy" declares this hardcore Islamic antisemite re the fires in Israel:



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