Monday, 10 August 2015

Once Upon A Time (Yet Another Fairy Story) + Norwegian BDS (video) + Corbyn & Sizer

Coins (Mandate authority issue), a "sixteenth century" (actually, pre-war 20th century) map with Palestine printed on it, a post card from Golda Meir during the Mandate period addressed  to someone in Tel Aviv, Palestine, a Palestinian orchestra (the Yishuv's), a Palestinian football team (the Yishuv's) ...

Is there no end to the ignorance of the Israel-haters and the depths to which they will stoop to "prove" that an autonomous state named Palestine really did exist once upon a time?

Are they really so historically challenged?

Below, in the same ludicrous Israel-delegitimising genre, is a piece of nonsense a dedicated London BDSer posted to her Facebook page a few days ago.

It 's one of the most desperate contributions to the genre yet.

Meanwhile, from increasingly noxious Norway, a newly uploaded video spruiking BDS.  Towards the end, two appearances from an Israeli introducing herself as Tali Shapiro, recommending the haters' campaign.

How especially odious are such "enemies within".

Meanwhile, too, perpetual Israel-basher Ben White is distinctly unhappy with the Israeli Leftists who denounce BDS: see here 

Tunisian BDS (with help from Ronnie Barkan) here

An old friend of ours defended by the man who's expected to be next leader of the UK Labour Party!


  1. Joe in Australia10 August 2015 at 13:18

    At this point it's almost becoming comical. It won't be quite so funny if he wins the guernsey, though.

    1. He's beginning to seem rather "accident-prone" in his choice of associates ...

  2. It's sad to see two Australians in the line up
    Southampton-style pseudo-academic anti-Israel conference to take place at Exeter
    Prof. Nur Masalha, St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London, UK.
    Prof. Ilan Pappe, University of Exeter, UK.
    Dr. Marcelo Svirsky, University of Wollogong, Australia.
    Prof. Lorenzo Veracini, Swinburne University

    1. Lorenzo Veracini, "Associate Professor, Faculty of Health, Arts and Design" with special expertise in "Settler Colonial Studies". I guess this one counts as a Mental Health subdiscipline.

    2. I'm pretty sure the sorry individuals you referred to do not identify themselves as "Australian". That would be too "settler-colonial" of them.

  3. The link after "Tunisian BDS" is broken

    Hardly surprising Corbyn would defending Sizer, considering the sort of company he keeps
    Jeremy Corbyn's 'long-standing links' with notorious Holocaust denier and his 'anti-Semitic' organisation revealed
    In 2007, the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign proposed a motion disowning Eisen's group, stating that 'membership or participation in DYR is incompatible with being a member of Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. You cannot oppose racism against the Palestinians and turn a blind eye to anti-Semitism.'

  4. Thanks, Ian. Will mend link:

  5. Googled Ronnie Barkan (never heard of him before, and I've been following these shites for years). The interview in (where else?!) Electronic Inifada is very telling:


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