Tuesday, 11 August 2015

A French Oleh's Lament: "French journalists practice a disgusting double standard against Israel"

This illustration is taken from the updated edition of Edgar Davidson's superb "Rules and Guidelines for Westerners reporting on Israel".

Here, as an example, is Rule 2:
'Rule 2 (Arab casualties)
If there is any incident either in Israel or near its borders in which there are claims of Arab casualties you must write a report with the following headline:
“Israelis kill X Arab civilians including Y children”
For the numbers X and Y simply choose the highest figures from the following sources:
    The Palestinian Authority
    Islamic Jihad
    Syrian State Television
    Islamic State
    Al Jazeera or Press TV
    Any person within 20 miles of the incident who is wearing a kaffiya or a Burka.
You do not need to state the source of your claim. In the unlikely event that an Israeli spokesman claims either a different figure, that the 'victims' were armed terrorists, or that the incident simply did not happen you may end your report with the following:
“An Israeli spokesman claimed, without evidence, that they ‘acted in self-defence’.
Note that there are certain circumstances where Arab deaths from violence should not be reported at all. This is when Arabs themselves openly claim to be the killers. This applies, for example, in the following cases:
Mass slaughter in fighting between different rival groups (Shia v Sunni, Hamas vs PA, Hamas vs Al Qaeda, PA vs Islamic Jihad etc)
 Where the victims are accused of being Israeli collaborators
If news of these killings does leak out into the Western media then simply write a brief statement including the words:
“The underlying cause of the violence was the oppressive Israeli occupation”
Any claims of deaths of Israelis during such incidents can be assumed to be false and hence ignored.
Read all of the Rules and Guidelines here

Of course, it's not only in the English-language press that the media gets the message of such "Rules and Guidelines".

See, for instance, this new article by French oleh Jean Vercors, no stranger to my blog; he's provocatively entitled it "French media: the thought Einsatzgruppen".

Writes Jean Vercors:

Since ancient times, many people have hated the Jews and this is not going to change.

The French journalists practice a disgusting double standard against Israel that constantly stirs anti-Jewish hatred.

Is this because they are affiliated with trade unions close to the Communist Party?  Are they automatically anti-Israel because Israel is supported by the United States or because of or banal hatred of Jews?

My observations of media bias against Israel are a constant source of aggravation.

No matter what happens in the world, Israel is always making the headlines. A morbid obsession. The daily massacre of Copts, Yazidis, Chaldeans, Christians, Assyrians, Kurds, and Africans in Muslim lands are barely mentioned.

In Israel, the press is free. Journalists can cover the news as they wish; they know it and do not hesitate. I can write things here, to express my thoughts in a way that would send me to court if I was in France.

In Israel, journalists are not harassed, assaulted, raped, followed by the police, tortured, intimidated or even beheaded as in Syria or Iraq.

In an article of July 2014, I called the French media scavengers and my opinion has not changed since.

When three young Israelis were kidnapped and killed by local Arab terrorists, rather than blaming the criminals, French media preferred to report how dangerous it is to hitchhike the Gush Etzion area.

Today, with the story of the dead Arab baby in Duma, the mainstream media, with L’Agence France-Presse (AFP) leading the pack, brought out the heavy artillery. No excuse can justify this act proclaims the same media that naturally found excuses for the killing of three Jewish students in July 2014 .  Apologists for the Arabs, not the Jews: double standard.

Then the media accuses "religious extremist settlers" of being the perpetrators even before the police investigation has begun.

The countless assaults by Palestinian Arabs against Jews goes unreported and without condemnation.
Similarly, the UN and EU have a big problem only with the one single attack by a few persons against the Arabs, even though there is no clear proof yet that it was indeed perpetrated by Jews. The entire Jewish nation has already been condemned.

As with the notorious invention that was the al-Dura case, it represents a continuation of the age-old libel of ritual murder of children by Jews.  It is the antisemitic blood libel that Jews murder non-Jewish children for ritual purposes. French journalists did not need evidence to charge the Jews, they lit the pyre and prepared media killings.

In ten years, the Arabs in Palestine killed nearly 180 Israelis, dozens of babies. Where is the outrage of the media?

Are journalists dishonest and hypocrites to that point? Yes definitely.

This hypocrisy was also revealed in October 2014 by an Arab site,Actionpal.org , which identified the number of Palestinian Arabs killed in Syria: 2 512. Not a single line in the media.

The French media practising intellectual terrorism.

Censorship of any idea contrary, any debate, arguments and intimidation methods for preventing the development of harmful ideas, nothing can stop the media, speak with one voice as if it was only one opinion and they had been brainwashed.
This ideological censorship, the font of the word, forbidden to speak of what is beyond the gates of the ruling doctrine.

The thought police uses the techniques of fascism and Nazism to implode Arab propaganda.

Some examples: Alexandra Schwarzbrod Liberation, Mediapart, BFM, ITV, Le Parisien, Le Monde, Courrier International, France 24, La Croix, MetroNews, France 2, Marianne, 20 Minutes, Slate, Nouvel Obs, Le Figaro, The AFP: all decided Jews are the criminals, without leaving their confortable offices and without any confirmatory police report, found Jews to be culpable .

The left rejoices – finally some "proof" for their slanderous accusations of Israel.

The immediate and vociferous world reaction, including that of the Israeli media, was overwhelming. Many claimed that Jewish terrorism happens all the time and is ever present. Time will also tell if it was indeed an attack by Jews. But we do not need to wait to find out who has perpetrated dozens and dozens of attacks against Jews in the last year or two: Palestinian Arabs, driven by their fanatical, antisemitic, Islam-inspired hatred of Jews.

Arabs attacking, maiming and murdering Jews is an almost-daily event.

In France, when reporting police arrests of criminals, journalists always use the conditional, speak of "suspect" until law courts have given their verdicts. In this reportage, however, there are no suspects, there is no use of the conditional: the putative miscreants are guilty for sure, taken for granted to be so because they are Jews.

The kings of the amalgam, finally, it is they, the journalists.

For a well-oiled disinformation process, the disclosure of wrongdoing attributed to some Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria allows for a huge amalgam to stigmatize an entire population
  that of Israel and then develop the amalgam to the top of the state, and accuse the Israeli government of ultimate responsibility.

Disseminating slanders against the Jewish state, it is trendy.

Denounce any amalgam against the Muslim community as well.

Intellectual terrorism is not an end in itself, it is a means to steer public debate against the Jews and Israel. Thus, the media, when they talk of Israel became "Einsatzgruppen" of thought.

The media who lie about Israeli assault me. My story, my identity, their refusal to allow me to define myself, is the expression of intellectual terror.

The offspring of right-wing extremists, Nazis, fascists, it's them.

Yes they attack me. We Jews have a hard shell, very solid. Nevertheless, they attack us.

Our real enemies, the Europeans, the Arab worst enemies in the region, attacking us for years not for what we would do or would not do, but for what we are and what we represent.

It does not succumb to the temptations of the oppressors and persecutors worldly, so we give up our history, our values, the faith of our fathers, and worst of all: our identity, the word they hate the most.

We do not accept the deletion they are inflicting to the European people by dilution in Islam, his drowning in immigration. On the contrary!

Recalling Leo Tolstoy's perception of the Jewish People:
“The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religious. The Jew is the pioneer of liberty. The Jew is the pioneer of civilization. The Jew is the emblem of eternity.”

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