Tuesday, 7 July 2015

In Britain, Israel-Haters Up On The Roof (includes videos)

Below is an example of the leftist hypocrisy that Pat Condell pans in the video that comprises the previous post.

These Israel-haters (including the fragrant Yvonne Ridley) rant and rave against Israel, yet think nothing of appearing on the propaganda satellite channel of the odious, persecutory, and  murderous Iranian regime.

Background to the above, quoting the Jewish Chronicle (read more here):
'Protesters shut down four factories in a co-ordinated move against Israeli drone manufacturer Elbit Systems.
Up on the roof
Three British factories, owned by Instro Precision, a subsidiary of Elbit, were forced to suspend operations after sit-ins by pro-Palestinian activists.
A factory in Melbourne, Australia, was also targeted.
Camera systems similar to those made by Instro Precision are used in Israeli drones supplied by Elbit to survey the West Bank security fence.
Groups including London Palestine Action, War on Want and the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign took part in the “Block the Factory” protest, the third of its kind in the last year.
Banners proclaiming “Elbit Drones Murder,” “Stop Arming Israel” and “Elbit Kills Kids For Profit” were displayed and slogans spray-painted on walls.
Block the Factory spokesperson Alex Levan reported that “at least 10, and up to 20” of the group’s demonstrators at the Shenstone factory in Staffordshire had been arrested....'

See http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&doc_id=15069

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