Wednesday, 8 July 2015

BDSers' Stomping Stills Irish Dancers' Feet

Sadly, as reported in the Jewish Chronicle
'An Irish dance academy was forced to cancel the first ever Irish dance competition to be held in Israel after receiving threatening messages from an anti-Israel group. [See here]

The Carey Academy Israel was set to hold the “1st Israeli Feis” in Tel Aviv on August 15 but called it off after a protest outside its UK dance studio in Birmingham.

The organisers said that students, parents and teachers had received threats from boycotters.

In a statement on the event’s Facebook page, the organisers said: “Unfortunately we have to announce the cancellation of what would have been the 1st Israeli Feis. Age, nationality, or religious beliefs do not matter to us. Unfortunately, there was a protest outside our dance studio. We do not want to risk safety of anyone connected to the Carey Academy. The feis was not meant to be anything more than what it really is - a celebration of dancing, friendship and joy. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused to people who may have already booked tickets but I am sure you understand the safety of our dancers is our number one priority.”....'

Naturally, the BDSers are dancing for joy, although their joy is tempered.  See, for instance, this mad-as-a-nest-of-disturbed-hornets press release from the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, linked to by a despicably Israel-demonising group of as-a-Jews:

And note the indignation here:

Meanwhile, from a staunch Israel-basher in the Emerald Isle, composer Raymond Deane:

For PalFest Ireland's various anti-Israel initiatives see here

Another report here

1 comment:

  1. ROFL If Deane is "dwarfed" by a bunch of nobodies and Mad Mads, he must be the most insignificant person on the planet.

    Surprise surprise more taxpayer-funded sheltered workshops, pushing their own political agenda and bullying others.
    Israeli-Belgian musician pushed to back Israel boycott
    “The imputation behind the demand is quite clear,” Lebrecht wrote. “It declares: we know you are an Israeli. If you want to continue working with us here in Belgium, we expect you to boycott your country of origin.


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