Sunday 7 June 2015

Mr Mayor Feels Peckish

Yes, folks, the city of Oxford's two-and-a-half-week anti-Israel fest has begun, and the mayor (Rae Humberstone) has been among those having fun in the sun, watching dabke dancers strut their stuff and lending his encouragement to the proceedings with a handwritten message.

Here's what the mayor wrote:

Here he is, complete with chain of office, eyeing some "Palestinian" produce on one of the stalls:

 Buying this time:

Among the amusements, propaganda for kids with coloured pens (red and green, naturellement):

Friday night at the flicks: a lot of grey heads in place, watching a "sold-out" showing of Omar, followed by talks by academics Avi Shlaim and Mahmoud Hawari:

Update: Mustafa Barghouti fans lap up the demonisation:

 And of course there's plenty still to come, before this divisive one-sided extravaganza (as a reader aptly terms it) concludes with this:

Meanwhile, a bunch of Israel-bashers from points north are gearing up for a big bike ride on 15 August that will take them from Edinburgh to London on behalf of (well, not Israel):

Gee, I wonder whether Al Beeb's intrepid cyclist Jon Donnison (a graduate of the University of Edinburgh, incidentally) will be tweeting them a plug nearer to the time.

Nah, he wouldn't do that. Would he?


  1. I've written to the Mayor - yet to have a reply...


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