Monday, 8 June 2015

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is NOW

There's this kind of silence and hypocrisy as identfiied by Bibi Netanyahu of course.

And there's this; from Professor Phyllis Chesler, a typically cogent, searing, and justified indictment of the Western feminist movement and its reprehensible habit of keeping shtum when the perpetrators of crimes against women are Islamists (see examples here):

She writes, inter alia:
'The upcoming annual conference of the National Organization for Women does not list ISIS or Boko Haram on its agenda. While the most recent Women’s Studies annual conference did focus on foreign policy, they were only interested in Palestine, a country which has never existed, and support for which is often synonymous with an anti-Israel position. Privately, feminists favor non-intervention, non-violence and the need for multilateral action, and they blame America for practically everything wrong in the world.
What is going on?
Feminists are, typically, leftists who view “Amerika” and white Christian men as their most dangerous enemies, while remaining silent about Islamist barbarians such as ISIS.
Feminists strongly criticize Christianity and Judaism, but they’re strangely reluctant to oppose Islam — as if doing so would be “racist.” They fail to understand that a religion is a belief or an ideology, not a skin color.
The new pseudo-feminists are more concerned with racism than with sexism, and disproportionately focused on Western imperialism, colonialism and capitalism than on Islam’s long and ongoing history of imperialism, colonialism, anti-black racism, slavery, forced conversion and gender and religious apartheid.
And why? They are terrified of being seen as “politically incorrect” and then demonized and shunned for it.
The Middle East and Western Africa are burning; Iran is raping female civilians and torturing political prisoners; the Pakistani Taliban is shooting young girls in the head for trying to get an education and disfiguring them with acid if their veils are askew — and yet, NOW passed no resolution opposing this.
Twenty-first century feminists need to oppose misogynistic, totalitarian movements. They need to reassess the global threats to liberty, and rekindle our original passion for universal justice and freedom.'
Read the entire article here

And while we're on the subject of Western "feminists" and their double standards, here's the zany Medea Benjamin [pictured] from CodePink, being taken terribly seriously by Israel haters (check out the clown in the green tee shirt, in the front row) from the Stop the War Coalition in London last week.

(She, regular readers will recall, dressed very demurely, headscarf and all, for a conference in Teheran last year attended by Holocaust deniers and others.)

 At 8:17 comes the inevitable topic of BDS:


  1. It's more than indifference. Feminists have for years talked about how the Taliban are 'empowering women through sharia'.

    1. You are kidding, aren't you, Trudy?

    2. Naomi Wolf has some pretty deplorable attitudes towards Israel too.

    3. Funny how hatred of Israel and denial of Islamic human rights abuses go hand in hand.
      This is what passes for progressive these days, it's got nothing to do with equal rights or human rights, they're just anti-capitalist/American/Jewish, Marxist agitators. No one should take them seriously.


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