Saturday, 16 May 2015

"The Greatest Tragedy Under The Sun ... We Will Return ... That Is A Promise" (updated)

In London, outside the entrance to Downing Street, a band of anti-Israel fanatics preach their hatred of Israel to a gaggle of the converted.

We have only to look at the logo behind the speakers, a map of Israel and the disputed territories which is coloured entirely in green, white and red, to know what the aim of these people is.

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the bloke at the beginning has the "Nakba" occurring in 1938, a date that he mentions twice (have a listen).

And here's another video from the same cameraman.  The photos at the beginning could easily be matched by Israel, depicting photos of the expulsion of Jews from their Jerusalem homes by Arab troops during the War of Independence that the Arabs started, to say nothing of the "Jewish Nakba".

Among the numerous Muslims in this video are, inevitably, a posse of Neturei Karta nutjobs:

Inevitably, protests against the "Nakba" have been occurring around the globe.
Here's one in Pakistan, from whence most British Muslims derive:

 There was "street theatre" in Melbourne's central business district, but as somebody has said to me, "Audience estimated at zero".

Certainly, most of the pedestrians striding by seem totally oblivious to this little exercise in Israel-demonisation:

Needless to say, there has also been a turnout of Israel-haters in Sydney.  Here are some of the types who participated in its "Nakba protest".

Jake Lynch and academic friends:

The Israel-demonising Far Left:

Those who should be protesting about the Arab nations' using Palestinian Arab refugees as pawns for the past sixty-seven years:

The Iranian regime's satellite mouthpiece Press TV reports on the Sydney rally here (but I find the video slow if not altogether reluctant to load).


  1. He says '48, he just has terrible mic technique
    The "Nakba" started in 1920
    Happy Nakba Day!
    "So how does Antonius provide us with the answer to the current-events quiz concerning the origin of nakba? The term was not invented in 1948 but rather in 1920. And it was coined not because of Palestinians suddenly getting nationalistic but because Arabs living in Palestine regarded themselves as Syrian and were enraged at being cut off from their Syrian homeland"

    Of course Nakba Day only started in 1998

  2. ROFL
    Worst street theater Eva!
    They could have least sprung for some camo outfits

    You have to love how they even incorporate the passersby indifference into their twisted narrative.

    1. And the remarks about the Ottoman Empire are jejune.


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