Friday, 15 May 2015

Something For The Weekend, Sir? A T-shirt, a soul uplift, & a harangue

First, an unmissable post from Edgar Davidson.

Next, a stalwart stance (with numerous likes and shares and approving comments) against an incidence of  dry and rueful British humour "Islamophobia" by British perpetual anti-Israel campaigner Ben White, the chap who is on record as saying that he can understand why some people are antisemitic and who seems to have a problem with Jewish physiognomy:

Like White, British anti-Israel propagandist broadcast journalist Harry Fear seems inordinately fond of Islam and of peppering his posts with Islamic phrases:

Meanwhile, reading between the lines of his latest screed, which reminds Dionne Warwick of the fight against Apartheid South Africa and of Jim Crow in the American South, it would seem that the eradication of Israel as a sovereign state is what aged rocker and veteran Israel hater Roger Waters hopes for:
'[W]e, in the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, will win this one against the similarly racist and colonialist policies of the Israeli government of occupation.  We will continue to press forward in favor of equal rights for all the peoples of the Holy Land.... There is no place today in this world for another racist, apartheid regime.
.... I remember the road to Montgomery, I remember Selma, I remember the struggles against the Jim Crow laws here. Sadly, we are still fighting those battles, whether here in the USA in Ferguson or Baltimore, or in Gaza or the Negev, wherever the oppressed need us to raise our voices unafraid.  We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, our brothers and sisters, until true equality and justice are won....
... When global pressure finally forces Israel to end its occupation, when the apartheid wall comes down, when justice is served to Palestinian refugees and all people there are free and equal, I will gladly join you in concert in the Holy Land, cross all the boundaries and share our music with all the people.'
 But I guess we've had grounds for suspecting that all along.

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