Thursday, 29 January 2015

"We Don't Proselytise, We Don't Fly Planes Into Buildings ...": British national treasure Maureen Lipman on rising antisemitism

Yorkshire-born Anglo-Jewish actress, writer, and humorist Maureen Lipman, an outspoken champion of Israel, was born the year following the end of the Second World War (although for reasons better known to itself the Daily Mail gives her age as 71).

On a north London pavement
 Like her contemporaries, the woman often described as a "British National Treasure"  grew up during a time when antisemitism appeared to have virtually expired, as people contemplated the unparallelled genocidal wickedness to which antisemitism led.

Today, of course, antisemitism has proved, both in Britain and other parts of Europe, that it was not at death's door but only slumbering after all, and none too deeply at that.

Maureen Lipman, in an interview with LBC Radio on Holocaust Memorial Day, has revealed that the rise in antisemitic incidents in Britain in recent months has not only left her "very depressed" but has alarmed her enough to consider moving to New York or Israel:
 “When the going gets tough, the Jews get packing.  It’s crossed my mind that it’s time to have a look around for another place to live....
My kids are very bored with me.  But it is only in the last few months that they have to begun to say: ‘Mum, you may have something’....
When the economy dries up, then they turn on the usual scapegoat: the usual suspect – the Jew.
There is one school of thought that says it’s because of Israeli policies in the West Bank – it isn’t. There’s been antisemitism for the past 4,000 years....
There are 245,000 Jews in the country. What’s to fear? We don’t proselytise, we don't fly planes into buildings, we generally keep on the right side of the law.... We give and give and give ...’
Stephen Spielberg, too, spoke out on Holocaust Memorial Day on burgeoning antisemitism.

Read more here (with videos)


  1. And if you read some of the comments left by readers on "Mailonline" then you know what Maureen is on about. I must add there were some very supporting contributions but the negative one's were evil.
    "Mailonline" decided not to publish my two moderate attempts to support what Maureen was saying, just goes to show maybe our days in Europe are indeed numbered.
    I do take my hat off to this lady to make these comments, there are many other Jewish personalities with access to the media who either keep shtum to protect their career or worst still support those that plan to murder us, either the hard left or fascist islamist's.

    1. Hi, Steve. Yes, you're right about those comments. I also notice that Tony Blair has a column in the Australian Jewish News today (first printed in the London Jewish News) sympathising with Jews over rising antisemitism. Very nice of him and all that, but he was the one who opened the floodgates to mass immigration of the kinds of people who foment antisemitism in Britain and Europe!

  2. You probably can't access BBC 'sThis Week in Australia Daphne but if you can you might be interested in Esther Rantzen scorning Maureen Lipman's viewpoint. Rantzen appears to think Muslims have more to fear than Jews but I've heard she's quite favourable to JfJfP -- don't know how true that is.I know you lived in UK so must have heard of rantzen which is why I'm letting you know.

  3. not flying planes into buildings is perhaps something that needs revisiting. after all it works better than pleading with our better moral angels.


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