Friday, 30 January 2015

Stephen Sizer: “Encouraging research and debate on all aspects of [9/11] is not anti-Semitic"

Reverend Sizer (he's the clean-shaven one)
The London Jewish News is a popular and deserving competitor to Anglo-Jewry's supposed newspaper of record, the Jewish Chronicle.

It carries a report regarding Stephen Sizer's despicable action in linking to a grossly antisemitic article that laid the blame for 9/11 on Israel and a number of named Jews (I posted about this here).

The report, out today, tells that, following overtures from Mr Jonathan Arkush, vice-president of the British Board of Deputies, Sizer has removed that link.

Posted on 20 January (as shown at right) the link to the article (see my above-mentioned post for that) remained on Facebook for over a week, attracting a total of 60 comments, many of them antisemitic, and at least two "shares".  Disturbingly, not one of Sizer's followers suggested to him in those comments that the post should be taken down. 

The London Jewish News quotes Mr Arkush, a London barrister, thus:
“Posting, and giving approval to, an article which in effect accuses Jews of responsibility for the 9/11 atrocity is unquestionably anti-Semitic, just as it is beyond absurd...."
It reports that while Mr Arkush has "welcomed" Sizer's removal of the link, Mr Arkush also notes that he is
“extremely concerned that a Church of England minister could possibly have considered it appropriate or becoming to his position to advertise such racist nonsense”
and that Mr Arkush observes
“The church should be taking action. He is one of their ministers. It should not be left to the Jewish community to have to protest and be forced to take action from outside.”
Sizer reportedly told the paper via email when contacted by them:
“I would welcome articles you can recommend refuting the allegations.” 
The paper goes on:
'Noting that many Americans feel 9/11 was “an inside job,” Sizer added: “It is essential the public become convinced of what happened before and after 9/11. Inevitably the truth will upset many people if it is shown by further investigation that the official explanations are shown to be deficient.” He added: “Encouraging research and debate on all aspects of [9/11] is not anti- Semitic… Suppressing discussion on such grounds will fuel suspicion, not remove it.”...' [My emphasis]
Read more here

 And there's a big article about this unsavoury post of Sizer's in the London Evening Standard that shows the diocese of Guildford is finally on the case!

Another big article in the UK Daily Telegraph

More fame (or infamy) 

Al Beeb carries the story

Cof E statement here  (it misdates the date Sizer posted the link as 29, rather than 20, January)

The Times of London, most of it behind a paywall, and similarly misdating the link:

From the Daily Telegraph inter alia:
 'The Bishop of Dorking, the Right Revd Ian Brackley, said the Diocese of Guildford, which includes Dr Sizer’s Virginia Water parish, is urgently investigating. 
“I want to reassure everyone that we are taking this complaint extremely seriously,” he said. 
“Immediate steps are being taken to investigate and we are in contact with Dr Sizer as well as the Board of Deputies.” 
A spokesman for the Church of England added: “These comments would rightly be seen as unacceptable whenever they were posted. 
“It is a matter of deep sorrow and shame that they have been posted in this week of all weeks. 
“The Diocese of Gui[d]lford, where the Rev Sizer is licensed, is taking immediate steps to investigate .... 
But Dr Sizer was unrepentant. He told The Telegraph: “I was encouraging debate, I was neither saying Israel did it or that they didn’t.”
He added: “I think they are trying to discredit me – they have tried several times to do that and they have seized on one little link to an article.
“With hindsight I wouldn’t have put it on [Facebook] if I had known it was going to happen.”...' [My emphasis]
 (Incidentally, I contacted the Jewish Chronicle not long after I first saw Sizer's post of 20 January and blogged about it.  They could have had a scoop. However, "the organ of Anglo-Jewry" was not interested in reporting about it, nor did their reporter ever, as far as I can tell, tweet it, as he told me he might.  Poor show, JC.  Very poor show.)


  1. Daphne, there's more press reports on the Net now mostly quoting from the Jewish News. I can't believe the JC weren't interested, more fool them, the Jewish News has got alot of publicity out of running the story, Pollard must be gnashing his teeth.

    1. I alerted their (the JC's ) reporter to the Jewish News story some hour ago, Anon. I see that the JC has finally emerged from its stupor and posted the story, though under a different reporter's byline. The JC appear to have had to rely on the Jewish News report - their competitor has certainly stolen a march on them. Quite pathetic.on the JC's part.

  2. There is now a report on the BBC website.

  3. It's time to target his 'flock'. He's their dog, they own him.

    1. I often wonder how his flock must view his frequent trips overseas, not least his trip to the despicable conference in Teheran last year.

  4. Replies
    1. Wow! What a good one!
      I mentioned his ties to that channel on the blog of mine that I sent to the Jewish Chronicle reporter.I find it incredible that the Jewish Chronicle was not sufficiently concerned with either his link to 9/11 or to that station to report it.
      No wonder they're losing readers to the UK Jewish News.
      Now that Harry has drawn attention to the link to that station (in admirable detail) perhaps the Jewish Chronicle will get off its tuches in future and step up to the plate.
      That tuches has certainly copped a thrashing by the Jewish News in recent days. More power to the latter.

  5. Sizer has undertaken not to blog or post on social media. His facebook and twitter account have gone.

    1. Really? This is a mixed - er - blessing. It means no one can keep tabs on him. He might re-emerge under a false name, known only to his (forgive the term) disciples. So basically he has perhaps lost a battle but won a war.

  6. Not over yet Daph
    A statement from the Diocese of Guildford regarding The Revd Stephen Sizer
    Date: 29 January 2015
    The Bishop of Dorking, The Right Revd Ian Brackley said “The Diocese of Guildford is aware of reports regarding The Revd Dr Stephen Sizer and materials linked from his social media account, which have now been deleted.
    “I want to reassure everyone that we are taking this complaint extremely seriously. Immediate steps are being taken to investigate and we are in contact with Dr Sizer as well as the Board of Deputies.
    “The Diocese of Guildford is committed to building cohesive communities and fostering strong interfaith relations built on trust and respect.
    “In 2013, The Diocese of Guildford facilitated a process of conciliation between Dr Sizer and the Board of Deputies, and is committed to ensuring this agreement is upheld.”

    1. I'm glad to hear that. Thanks. (If not now, when?)

  7. Great post re: Sizer on influential US website here:


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