Monday, 22 September 2014

"Speak Out Against Right Wing anti-Muslim Dog Whistling": Aussie Leftist Strangeloves show their hypocrisy (again)

From Australia's most-read columnist, Andrew Bolt, a typically wise and wonderful column today regarding Muslim and Leftist attitudes towards the government's counter-terrorism initiative.  Inter alia, he points out:
'[Hizb ut-Tahrir leader] Wassim Doureihi said something very frightening to Muslims protesting in Lakemba [a Sydney suburb] against last Thursday’s anti-terrorist raids.
Even more frightening is that no one — no politician, commentator or academic — condemned him.
Doureihi ... brushed off police claims that the men they’d arrested had planned to behead Australians on the orders of the Islamic State.
“Let me say clearly, even if a single bomb went off, even if a thousand bombs went off in this country, all it will prove is that Muslims are angry,” Doureihi said, speaking calmly....
Doureihi was already excusing even “a thousand bombs” here in response to what his organisation claims is a “war on Islam”....
Alienation” is the myth even moderate Muslim leaders push. Just last week, Brisbane Muslim leader Ali Kadri told the ABC “the root” of Muslim extremism was “a fear of alienation and feeling of marginalisation because of foreign policy, when it comes to Israel/Palestine conflict”.
I say “myth” because of one telling fact above all: this country actually has as many Buddhists as Muslims. Yet where are the Buddhist terrorist plots? Where are the angry complaints about “alienation”? Where the warnings to change our foreign policies ... or else?
No, there is something different with the Muslim community that we haven’t seen with the Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh or Confucian....
And how frantically the Left feeds what they should fear. How recklessly our media class — the vanguard of Western self-hatred — goes along with this paranoia and monstrous self-pity that justifies so much violence.
Take Labor MPs Sue Lines, Kim Carr and Melissa Parke, who all recklessly accused the Government of scaremongering about terrorism threats just to avoid talking about its Budget or to sell its anti-terrorism plans. Journalists of the Left even hinted last week’s raids were part of this cynical political plot....
You’d laugh if the Left wasn’t, in fact, legitimising the same deadly paranoia of Muslim extremists like Hizb ut-Tahrir....'
Now, as if eager to prove Bolt's point, the Left in Melbourne announces a rally due to take place this coming Friday:

"Muslims have a long history in Australia, dating back to the 1860's when the cameleers brought their trade and stock to the outback.
It was then in 1888 the first mosque was established in Adelaide, followed by another in Perth in 1905.

Since then, the Muslim community has grown to become a vibrant, positive and integrated part of modern Australia.
The Sue who's going
The Liberal Party have a more recent history regarding Muslims, that of using lies (remember children overboard?), quasi-fasicst harassment (the AFP investigating muslim school children in their schools) and their media attack dogs (photographs of "dawn terror raids" rammed down our throats from every front page) to try to paint this countries long standing Muslim community as a threat to this county and our safety.
We reject the notion that Muslims are terrorists and we suggest that the real threat to the majority of Australians (Muslims, workers, the unemployed, women, LGBTI people and so on) is the Abbott government and the ruling elite.
We've had enough of watching our fellow Austrlaian's [sic]being attacked in the press and on the beaches. We've had enough of the fear and hate being spread by this and past governments to justify attacks on the poor, disabled, unemployed and Indigenous.
Come down this Friday at 5.30pm, at City Square on Swanston Street, join the group and speak out against right wing anti-Muslim dog whistling, and speak up for Muslim rights all around this country!"
"Positive and integrated?"

Er,  not quite.

For instance:

"Stop Fearing What You Don't Understand"
Not the feral Lebanese gang-rapists who in acts of racism deliberately targeted Aussie girls of typical northern European appearance in Sydney during the 1990s.

Not the notorious Sydney imam Sheikh Hilali,  who compared rape victims to "uncovered meat" eaten by cats. (I suppose he'd consider these skimpily clad damsels counter-demonstrating at a recent anti-mosque rally in Queensland to be prime cuts.)

Not the fanatical proponents of a Caliphate in Australia, in which, of course, women would be relegated to third-class status, the Islamic equivalent of a certain twentieth-century totalitarian movement's "Kinder, Küche, Kirche".

Yet despite the cringe-worthy gender inequality inherent in Sharia Law, not least regarding witnesses to rape, we learn that "Sue is going".

The Sue in question is radical leftist political activist and local councillorSue Bolton (pictured above in anti-Israel regalia).

And socialist Sue will most certainly not be the only attendee of radical feminist principles who for reasons best known to themselves rush to the defence of a misogynistic creed.

Her remarks (and those of Perth activist Alex Bainbridge, above) are merely representative of the attitudes of (anti-Israel) Aussie activists of the Leftist persuasion in general.

Weird, the Leftist worldview, eh?

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