Tuesday, 23 September 2014

BDS & Blisters: Fanatics Afoot

This morning in glorious sunshine outside the Sydney Opera House, a gaggle of As-a-Jews gathered to give an Israeli academic (above, right) at Wollongong University a warm send-off:

But not, of course, to Israel.

No, this ex-pat's Argentinian-born Israel-educated political scientist Dr Marcelo Svirsky, and like the As-a-Jews, and their leftist cohorts, a number of whom were also on hand to wish him well, he's an activist against the little Jewish State.

With pack on back, and no doubt with left foot forward, he's set off on the long walk from Sydney to Canberra, a walk which will apparently last for ten days (other BDS fanatics are expected to join him at various stages of the journey) and for which, it's said, he's been training for months.

Don't forget the corn plasters, mate.
The purpose of the trek is to present the following petition to the federal House of Representatives, in the hope that Australia's will be the first western government officially to endorse BDS.

Presumably because they belong to the other chamber, Senators Lee Rhiannon and Nick Xenophon, who can usually be relied upon to throw a brickbat or three at the Zionist Entity, have declined to introduce the petition, making some BDSers mutter darkly that they have betrayed the cause.

Above: the intrepid BDSer departing Wollongong for Sydney.

Bye bye, mate.

Guess you won't be in shul for the High Holydays, then.

Don't forget the corn plasters.

And be careful not to wallow in any lies swallow any flies.


  1. I could ask how these vile one-dimensional fanatics get teaching posts at Australian universities but that 's an old question as important as it is.

    But here's another question. How do these racist creeps get visas to get into our country in the first place?

  2. OT
    Bibi was good on 7:30
    'We want to make peace' with Palestinians says Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

    1. Thanks, Ian. I've posted it. I caught only the tail end last night.


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