Monday, 8 September 2014

"So Palestine Never Existed?": The soccer ball rolls on ... & scores another own goal for the ignorant

Guys, please try not to make such fools of yourselves.

I mean, it's kind of embarrassing to have to point out your ignorance of Mandate Palestine and the Yishuv.

The latest own goal comes from a somebody who found, via  the Ramallah-based Ayjal Radio Network, another piece of irrefutable proof that there was (wait for it!) once a place called Palestine!

That'll show those Zionists, huh?

The somebody in question appears to be a supporter of an Aussie outfit called Students for Palestine.  They're a leftist-cum-Muslim organisation which is often represented at anti-Israel rallies, at least in Melbourne.

Their agenda is suggested by their map logo, which is seen below on a poster advertising an event at Latrobe University in greater Melbourne:

And, citing these guys, this Elgas fella writes:

You (and they) should have looked here first, Mr Elgas! Then you (and the radio buddies, who I'm sure wouldn't want to claim a team that didn't belong to them) would have known that the Palestine football team was a  team from the Yishuv, and consisted of - er - Zionists!

Better luck next time, old bean.

(Incidentally, for Aussie federal MP Michael Danby's condemnation of recent bullying of a Jewish student by certain pro-Palestinians at Latrobe see here)


  1. I would have thought the name of the coach might have been a teensy-weensy little clue. "Pollock" isn't a very common Arab name.

    In fact, Arabs would pronounce it Bollock. (I'm trying very hard not to make the obvious joke... )

  2. ROFL that's on a par with claiming coins that say "Eretz Yisrael" are evidence of a palestinian state!

    Pat Condell on the Rotherham child abuse scandal: The real enemy within

    At Monash Uni Socialist Alternative student club deregistered

    BTW the Danby links is missing

    1. The link is the latest J-Wire, Ian. I will attend to it ASAP. Out and about at present.

  3. Too funny for words. Thanks, Daphne!

  4. HI Daphne,

    a couple of "protest" actions ie Hate actions against Israel will occur on Brisbane against Sodastream 20 Sept:

    and a more elaborate hate action against Elbit Systems in Melbourne
    early October:"

    Vashti Kenway's number is on the poster. She's a Marxist bigot who does these all the time.

    1. Thanks for the info, Jill. Will take a look tomorrow (Oz time)

    2. I've put a call out for people to hold a counter demonstration for the 'event'
      Jill seeing as to how you are in Brisbane, please can you notify the police and possibly the stores who they will be 'visiting'

  5. Shirl in Oz I am in Melbourne.
    I have informed the Melb.police but they'll do nothing as usual as it is a "protest".
    I did inform the Elbit company though.

  6. Shirl in Oz, I just messaged Sodastream via their FB page re the Sept BDS action. When I said Melb. police I meant Sth Melbourne police.
    Where are you, Melbourne or Brisbane?

    1. Sydney, but my tentacles spread 'far and wide' !! Which Daphne will attest to.

      I am involved in Adelaide too. I got funding for them for posters and flags. Other plans are afoot for advocacy lessons via NSW Board of Deps.


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