Tuesday, 9 September 2014

BBC Bias? "You Have To Laugh" Says Donnison

The loudly voiced claim by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and its cohorts that the BBC is, in effect,  a Zionist stooge, favouring Israel in the coverage of events such as Operation Protective Edge, is as bizarre as it is groundless.

It's been particularly in evidence in recent weeks, with rallies of protest outside the BBC's London headquarters, the number of complaints that the BBC is biased against Israel being only 125 more than complaints to the contrary.

Needless to say, it enables Al Beeb to maintain the fiction that it gets its reporting of and (what passes for) analysis of  the issue "just about right".

And for the same reason it's tickled the funny bone of Jon Donnison (that keen cyclist who as one wit commented aptly on my blog last week seems to have a sense of balance only when he's pedaling his bike).

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign hosted a panel discussion on the question "Was the BBC’s reporting of this assault [on Gaza]  fair, accurate and impartial? And how did other mainstream media fare?"

The panellists were, of course, arch-critics of Israel: lefty young journalist Owen Jones, Tim Llewellyn, who used to be Al Beeb's Middle East correspondent, and the film director Ken Loach,

I haven't had time to view the videos of that event yet, but anyone who's a glutton for punishment can see Part One here and for Part Two here

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