Wednesday, 26 February 2014

More Utter Stupidity From The "There Was A State Called Palestine" Brigade

They've used coins and stamps in support of their warped view of history, despite the fact that those items were issued not by some autonomous Palestinian state but by the British Mandatory authorities.

Artist: Franz Krausz
They've used posters in the set represented by this one above and a newspaper (The Palestine Post) and an orchestra (The Palestine Symphony Orchestra) in pursuit of the same propagandistic end, despite the fact that those initiatives came out of the Yishuv.

wikipedia: Josef Tal & The Palestine Conservatoire of Music Orchestra in 1939
They've appropriated the Palestine Football Team that toured Australia just before the Second World War in support of their ludicrous thesis, assuming wrongly that the team consisted of Arabs.

They've enlisted maps supposedly of venerable age, and, as in all these ventures into a past that was not as it was but as they would like it to have been, made fools of themselves in the process.

And now they're using a postcard addressed by Golda Meir in 1930 as another piece of "evidence" for their false claim.

Look, for instance,  how it's been utilised on the Facebook page of the disgusting CUFP (for the lowdown on that antisemitic group and its founder see my previous post):

It really does seem that such ignoramuses genuinely believe that before 1948 there was an independent Palestinian state with its own government.

Some have even opened a Facebook page showcasing their misconceptions.



  1. Please check

    All the stamps from that time had , in Hebrew "פלשטינה-א"י"
    where "א"י" is "ארץ ישראל"-"The land of Israel".

    For more:

  2. I had some clown the other day claim that the existence of Supreme court of Palestine means it's a state. Of course all the Judges were British or appointed by the British.
    Also the infamous white paper of 1939 rejects the policy of creating a Jewish State. But the LoN Mandates Committee totally rejected that and all the other restrictions against Jews as saying they:
    “did not feel able to state that the policy of the White Paper was in conformity with the Mandate, any contrary conclusion appearing to them to be ruled out by the very terms of the Mandate and by the fundamental intentions of its authors.”
    Para 110

  3. Anon and Ian, thanks for the references ...

  4. I have a "Visit the Lake District" postcard somewhere
    Maybe that's a sovereign nation too

  5. So we have to use Roman law? Because they're the people who renamed Judea "Syria Palestina" after their genocide of a million Jews following the destruction of the second temple and the Bar Kochba revolt ~70 years later.

  6. More stupidity - this video re maps, which begins "It is often said by the Jews and their lackeys" and has been posted on Facebook by the not-very-bright Australians for Palestine Advocacy Group:


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