Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Dissecting The Not So Darling Darlene & Her Ugly anti-Zionist "Christian" Group

Remember my post here regarding an odious Facebook group called Christians United for Peace that should more aptly be called "Christians United for Jew-Hatred"?

Well, the site, saturated with heavy-duty antisemitism reminiscent of the ravings of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and other depraved judeophobic rantings, continues to flourish on Facebook, and is as evil as ever.

As seen in these two screenshots, it is for reasons best known to its depraved and demented self, pro the very religion ideology that is persecuting and murdering Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the Third World.

The so-called Christians United for Peace group (to which some seemingly more respectable Christian anti-Zionists are, sad to relate, not squeamish about belonging) was founded by American southerner Darlene Jones-Owens (one of her Facebook friends is Stephen Sizer!  Tut, tut, vicar!).

Tut tut, vicar!
Darlene and her group have been subject to close scrutiny by a pro-Israel critic (Cloudfire) who has done a sterling job of exposing their motivations and agenda.

Aptly headed "The War on Judaism and Evangelism", Cloudfire's  exposé explains early on in the piece:
'....CUFP is a Facebook-based blog/group [here] (aka "cu4peace") with more than 6,200 members.  It was founded in February 2011.
CUFP claims to be concerned activists for Palestinian human and collective rights, and for enlightening and "changing the face of" Evangelical Christians with respect Israel and Jews.  CUFP claims to be a response and challenge to Christians United For Israel ("CUFI"), an organization having more than 1 million members expressing their solidarity with Jews and support of Israel.
However, CUFP's claims are a ruse, and they are merely cloaking themselves as do-gooders and peaceful welcomers of all. With virtually every post, CUFP leaves its official story far behind. Whether within individual posts or threads, or by cumulative effect and weaving between the lines, CUFP sows and incites:
 The demonizing of the Jewish people
 The destruction of Judaism as a faith
 The elimination of Israel
 The gutting of Evangelical and Southern Baptist Christians, and severing them from:
 Fellowship with Jewish people
 Theological respect of Judaism
 Support for Israel
CUFP's ideology and propaganda simply leave no middle ground and only hellish after effects....'
See all of Cloudfire's exposé here

Great post, Cloudfire! Hope the blogging bug bites!

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