Friday, 31 May 2013

Muslims Going Against The Grain (includes video)

At the weekend I attended a booksale of Judaica, and included among my purchases a paperback entitled Al-Yahud: Eternal Islamic Enmity & The Jews, by Elias Al-Maqdisi and Sam Solomon.

It distills, in simple form, the often blood-curdling antisemitism inherent in Islam and the Muslim tradition.

Needless to say, it makes frightening and depressing reading.

So it's good to be reminded that there are Muslims out there (though woefully too few) who disavow Jew-hatred and even speak up forcefully for the right of Israel to exist, denying the "apartheid state" libel.

One such is British Muslim Kasim Hafeez, a former fierce opponent of Israel:
“When people say that anti-Semitism exists in the Muslim world because of Israel, that is simply an excuse.
People here [in Israel] get Islamic anti-Semitism. In Europe, we deny it.
As a university student, I would attend radical anti-Israel rallies in Trafalgar Square. Here I am standing in London in the middle of a European capital – chanting ‘death to Israel’ and nothing was ever done....
What people don’t understand, is that it doesn’t matter if you bend over backwards for radical Islamists. If you are Jewish, they will hate you no matter what.” 

Says Muslim-turned-Christian Rev. Majed El Shafie, the founder of One Free World International (OFWI):

“They [moderate Muslims] must speak up.  Anti-Semitism is everyone’s problem. The moderate Muslims don’t understand that after the radical Muslims finish with the Christians, Bahai, and Jews, they will come after them. The minute we stop fighting for each other, we lose our humanity....
When Israel’s right to exist and Israel’s right to defend itself, come into question, a line has been crossed, The new anti-Semitism today is to hate Israel.”
Both men were panel speakers at  the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism held this week in Jerusalem.

Read more here 

And, while on the topic of Muslims, see this ABC programme about Australian radical sheikhs.  I saw it last night and was impressed by the ABC's investigation (I can't imagine the BBC being as frank).  H/t reader Shirlee for the link

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember Daniel Pereg from 2010 in LA with the Israeli Flag in front of anti-Israel protesters?

    He has a new video.
    Message to Iran


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