Thursday, 30 May 2013

More BDS Cant

My previous post (with video) refers to the hypocrisy inherent in the call for UEFA to cancel Israel's hosting next month of the under-21s tournament.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, the Federation of French-speaking Students (FEF), which represents 120,000 persons, is demanding "a freezing of relations with Israeli universities".  Announces the FEF: 
"it’s now time to cut ties with Israeli places of learning, whether they be based around student exchanges or research."
Declares the organisation's president, inter alia,
"This [Israeli] army contributes, via its actions to denying Palestinians access to knowledge and the policy of occupation, the Gaza blockade and colonization hamper internal mobility and also that of the student and academic population."
Read more here

And last week, the governing general council of the two-million strong United Church of Canada, that country's largest Protestant church, endorsed the initiation of a boycott campaign, against Ahava, Keter Plastic, and SodaStream.

But, as reported here, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), which is calling for a "buycott" of the targeted companies in order to benefit "Israeli and Palestinian workers alike," points out that SodaStream provides employment to  "hundreds" of Palestinian workers.

Therefore, continues CIJA, the proposed boycott
"which claims to advance Palestinian aspirations by increasing the number of unemployed Palestinians, can only be described as intellectually dishonest.  Its goal seems to be the self-satisfaction of the General Council rather than an improvement in the life of the average Palestinian.”
(Talking of "intellectual dishonesty," do you ike the accompanying poster? Check out this page)

1 comment:

  1. A great letter in Al Guardian about Tutu

    Guido Fawkes on the Guardians use of tax havens!


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