Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Sleeping With The Enemy?: Britain's Board of Deputies snuggles up with Oxfam

Oxfam's vile 2002 Israeli blood oranges smear
'[C]lassic antisemitic themes such as the blood libel are found in Oxfam's poster in 2002 of the "Israeli orange", which promoted boycotting of Israeli products, & of Israel in general' noted NGO Monitor's Professor Gerald Steinberg in 2007.

'Oxfam likes to claim that it is a non-political humanitarian organization, and its work in places like Haiti and Pakistan is inspiring, particularly in the areas of provision of clean water and sanitation.  But its position on many issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appears anything but balanced.  While ostensibly in favour of the two-state solution, Oxfam partners with and funds organizations (such as Adalah) that call for a one-state solution. This summer, Oxfam ran a long campaign to lift the blockade on Gaza in which the word “weapons” was conspicuously absent.  Oxfam issued press releases that insisted on inferring that the Mavi Marmara [was] a humanitarian mission and it persists on referring to this area of the world as the “Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel”.'

So wrote the author of a guest post for CiFWatch back in 2010.

Despite Oxfam's track record of bias against Israel, the Board of Deputies of British Jews took the controversial decision back in November to cooperate with Oxfam in a joint anti-hunger campaign project, Grow Tatzmiach.  (See reports here and  here)

However, controversy continues, and one of the deputies vehemently opposed to the move, Jonathan Hoffman, has issued the following notice on behalf of the "Say No Grow Tatzmiach" Coalition:
"As you know there has been considerable controversy about an undemocratic decision taken by the Executive of the Board of Deputies regarding an engagement with Oxfam, and a project called "Grow". This project was initiated without a full Board discussion.  However thanks to an motion proosed by myself and Gary Mond it will be discussed at the next main Board of Deputies session on 20 January, and many local Deputies have requested that they hear the views of their Synagogue Boards and their respective constituents.
If like us you believe such a tie-up inappropriate given Oxfam's hostile attitude to Israel, we would urge you to find time to contact the Board of your Synagogue or other organisation to express your views before the Deputies'  meeting.
In recent weeks Oxfam have continued to condemn Israel over the  Palestinian issue  and it is beyond our comprehension as to why some members of the  Board believe this project to be wise.
If you would like more information please let us know by return of email  or going to our Facebook site and if you agree  with our concerns please tick like and forward to others you think may be able to help.
If you don't have a Facebook account you can email us at growantitatzmiachatyahoodotcodotuk  to register your support.
You can find more background in Jonathan Hoffman's article in the JC last Friday.'


  1. Thanks for your support the Say No to Grow Tatzmiach Coalition

  2. Oxfam are a disgusting organization. That poster is sheer antisemitism, linking directly to the classic blood libel.

    Not only should the BOD have nothing to do with these haters, they should be vehemently condemning them for their hateful attitude.

  3. Jonathan Hoffman11 January 2013 at 02:03

    Oxfamgate: Looks like the whole thing is unravelling, with Oxfam misinformed that the Jewish Community was united in support for this tie-up.....

  4. Three deputies from Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue said it was vital for the Board to engage with Oxfam in order to help those who are less fortunate.

    Rowel Genn, Emma Stone and Jonathan Arkush, who is also a Board vice-president, said in a statement that a secondary motivation “may include engagement with those who do not see matters exactly as we do with a view to influencing them.

    “We cannot only engage with people who agree with everything we do and believe in. Oxfam are not enemies of the Jewish people. Influence comes from positive and persuasive engagement, not from petulant boycott.”


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