Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A Mondoweiss Contributor Reports On Gaza For The BBC

The current post on the wonderful BBCWatch draws attention to a disgraceful article on the website of Britain's "national broadcaster" which contrives to omit all mention of Gaza's Jewish past (“Settled by civilisations spanning some five millennia, Gaza has been built layer-upon-layer since the Bronze Age. As each era ended, its people left behind remnants of their times – churches, monasteries, palaces and mosques, as well as thousands of precious artefacts.”) while going on to indulge in a little propaganda against Israel.

The website article in question is the work of a woman who appears to be a seasoned anti-Israel campaigner.

As BBCWatch notes:

"In addition to this latest piece for the BBC ... Welsh-born Ruqaya Izzidien has also written for the Guardian and the New York Times. However Ms Izzidien does not confine herself to the mainstream media: she also writes for outlets such as the vehemently anti-Israel blog Mondoweiss, the Egyptian site Bikya Masr, Al Jazeera, the Christian Science Monitor, ‘Ceasefire‘ magazine and the Lebanese site Al Akhbar which includes among its editors a member of the organizing body of the March 2012 ‘Global March to Jerusalem’, Rami Zurayk. Her work has even been picked up and reproduced by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Ikhwanweb and ‘Occupied Palestine‘."
See BBCWatch's post here

1 comment:

  1. As a BBCWatch reader comments over there, the BBC's Alan Johnston had an article some years ago similarly making no mention of Jews in Gaza - but taking a swipe at the Israelis:



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