Monday, 20 August 2012

Misogynistic Violence? "That's Part Of Our [Palestinian] Identity" (video)

Oh dear! I do hope the applicants for this plum job advertised currently by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign are aware that they'll be entering a woman-bashing zone.

Perhaps I'd better alert my local PSC coven, consisting as it does of eager old ladies.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: strange, isn't it, how despite the contempt for women in so much of the Middle East, it's liberal Israel that's the hate-target of so many women (feminists included) old and young?


  1. Pointing this out to self professed radical feminists like Ayelt Waldman and Naomi Wolf is met with "YAAAAAAAY!"

    1. Indeed, Trudy.
      The presence of so many feministas in the top echelons of Israel-bashing organisations and political parties is staggering. The PSC itself is a case in point...

  2. I know a few of these eager female Jew haters that I would just love to get the full experience. I won't name them tho, as I do not want to endanger your outstanding blog, dear Daphne.

    And yes, my life experiences include a stint as a woman's refuge worker, and yes I too chanted the mantra "no woman deserves this", but with these virulent propagandists for woman-killing cultures I will make an exception and say loudly: they deserve it.

  3. I wonder how many female Israel-haters will condemn this invention:
    Not too many, I reckon...


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