Sunday, 19 August 2012

In Londonistan On Al Quds Day, "Insha’Allāh" Said The Anglican Vicar To Israel's Foes (videos)

Dr Stephen Sizer is the Anglican vicar of Virginia Water in Surrey and an inveterate, seasoned campaigner against Christian Zionism.  And not only against Christian Zionism.  He's against the continuing existence of Israel itself, making common cause with some very dodgy allies, much to the chagrin of Jews and Christians such as this one alike.

A fervent advocate of the dissolution of the Zionist Entity and its replacement with a single state for Jews and Palestinian Arabs (we all know what that would portend, sooner or later, don't we, folks?) he recently escaped prosecution for alleged antisemitism, the Crown Prosecution Service deciding that he had no case to answer.

Dr Sizer's blogposts, and in particular his frequent posts on social media (which attract lots of avid followers, some making the most reprehensible remarks in response and on their own posts that leave little room for doubt regarding their judeophobia), are almost obsessively concerned with what he sees as the evils of Zionism and of Israel, and (this post is an example) he clearly abhors any hint that Israel (threatened though it is by a crazed regime on the brink of achieving nuclear capabability) might attack Iran.

A supercessionist, he seems as warm a friend of Islam as he is an enemy of special Jewish claims to Zion, and is not slow to denounce manifestations of alleged "Islamophobia".  And indeed, although a professing clergyman of the Christian faith, he appears to have "gone native" (so to speak) in ending his "Al Quds Day"speech  ("....[W]what kind of Al Quds do you envision? What kind of Jerusalem are you marching for today? Is it for an open, inclusive city of faith? Or for one as exclusive as the Zionists are trying to create?....") to the assembled crowd of Muslim Israel-haters, Hezbollah-lovers, and their non-Muslim cheerleaders in Londonistan (including the inevitable contingent from Neturei Karta) with the Arabic "Insha’Allāh".

(I hear, incidentally, that an unscheduled highlight of London's "Al Quds Day" this year came when a woman emptied a large bucket of water –  well, we trust it was water and not something, er, more pungent – over some of the demonstrators!)

Below is footage of the marchers (warning: ear plug alert); more about the march, with very telling photos, can be found here:

On his blog, and notwithstanding the latest antisemitic rants of the odious Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Dr Sizer has posted a video from Press TV, organ of the atrocious Iranian regime, purveyor of antisemitism and terror around the globe, showing footage of "Al Quds Day" in London, and a brief interview that he gave its reporter regarding Israel's "war crime".

 Meanwhile, also courtesy of Press TV here's footage of "Al Quds Day" in Sydney,which was pimped in this promotional video.

"It’s the first time in its 33-year history, that a rally for International Al-Quds Day was held in Australia," the Press TV report proclaims in part.
"The demonstrators accuse Israel of creating a humanitarian disaster in Palestine by denying essential supplies, as well as the Israeli Defence Force killing innocent Palestinians and creating an Apartheid system....
The protesters also slammed the Australian Government for supporting Israel, saying the administration is committing crimes against humanity and should be regarded as a terrorist regime.
They also rejected the U.S backed two-state solution, arguing that innocent Palestinians were forced off their land when Israel was declared in 1948, and they should have the right to return."
 For some reason I saw that and thought of this:


But at least the London and Sydney demos, and this one roughly halfway between the two cities, in what used to be called Madras, weren't (quite) as raucous as this one in Bangalore...



    1. That's not surprising considering they have CND/Soviet agent Ashton running foreign affairs.

      Only 7 years ago, the EU acknowledged Hezbollah's terror acts

      Southern Poverty Law Center Joining Pro-Hamas, Hezbollah, Groups in Blasting ‘Haters’ – Mostly Jews

      When the NYT's says WTF EU? it's bad.

    2. Ashton - just one of too many mediocrities catapulted into postions of power by the totalitarian gravy train known as the EU.

  2. another dhimmi in action

    Dr Stephen Sizer is a vicious vicar neturei kartaist, a fervent mollah preaching hatred against Jews

  3. Poor Jews - they didn't had homeland therefore killed Arabs and illegally occupied Palestinian Lands. I pity on those Jews who call themselves as Zionists, zinonists are atheists they do not have anything to do with Moses, Soloman or David, and even God, their agends is to aquire Jerusalem and kill Muslims in order to pave way for their King, muslims call him dajjal, christians call him Anti-Christ and zionists call him awaited prophet...

    1. It’s impossible to occupy “Palestinian lands” because there's never been a Palestinian state. It’s logic 101 Skippy. Unfortunately a lack of basic reasoning skills appears to be the least of your problems.
      Why don’t you pray to whatever God you believe in for a solution, instead of bothering sensible people with your irrational drivel.

  4. i know you zionist can't publish my comment. at least get burnt after hearing truth. zionists are not even athiest but are satanists, killers, butchers, liars, cowards. Israel will be wiped off the map of world soon. Death to Israel, Death to slaves of Israel (America & UK). Death to master of Israel - Dajjal.

  5. Haven't had comments like that on here for a long long time - not since I gave a 9/11 troofer called Gideon his marching orders ...

    1. Truthers are now indistinguishable from anti-Semites.

      Muslim Missouri Democratic Party caucus chairman launches 9-11 Truth PAC

    2. Thanks as always for the links, and your insights, Ian.

  6. Dear Daphne

    with all the respect that i owe you

    that Mollah Allen Solly does not deserve an inch of jewish hatred speech here

    he is a sick negationist like all the anti zionists

    1. I know, Jean, but I wanted to show him up - condemned out of his own mouth. I wanted to show what sick vicious minds some people have. However, as in the case of Gideon, who used to leave several crazy antisemitic messages each day, I shall not be posting his nonsense again.

  7. Well the upside is that once London is part of the caliphate, they can use the Olympic venue for mass executions.

    1. Trudy...I love it, as long as they execute one another, i say "Go for it"


  9. It really does make you wonder who the masters are when you see such things as these happening in the Free World, in both these cases the Canadian component of it.

    First, a chap walking his dog, a big 'un, to be sure, through a public park is arrested by police because the dog's proximity to the assembled Islamic Israel-haters at the Al Quds Day demo (someone, I can't remember who, has aptly dubbed the event "Obliterate Israel Day") might offend them.

    Second, a lone individual with a lot of guts and an Israeli flag is given similar treatment by cops, who tell him that by bringing that flag into the purview of the Al Quds Day crowds he might be inciting a riot.

  10. Thanks for this post Daphne. Very perceptive comments.

    1. Thanks, Nick. I am flabbergasted by this clergyman's evident support for people carrying the flag of Hezbollah!

  11. Dear Daphne. I think this attack on Mr Sizer is rather undignified. No-one - not even Rev Nick Howard - has produced a shred of evidence that he is anti-Semitic, which is why the Surrey police concluded (rightly) that there were no charges to answer. As a result, the UK Council of Christian and Jews looked very silly in its personal vendetta against Mr Sizer.

    By the way, I am sorry to contradict you, but the term Insha'allah (God willing) is used by Arab Christians as much as Arab Muslims. It is not uniquely Muslim. See for example this announcement by the Antiochan Orthodox Church.

    1. Undignified, Jeremy? I think marching with the supporters of the Iranian antisemitic terror regime (just look at all those Hezbollah flags in the photos that Dr Sizer links to on his blog) is undignified.

    2. btw, Jeremy, as I said elsewhere. your optimism re the "Arab Spring" isn't really justified, is it?

    3. Incidentally, it's posts such as this comment by Dr Sizer that causes eyebrows to be raised. He should surely have explicitly chided the poster, saying the allegation that these monsters are Jews is heinous antisemitic nonsense.

  12. Jeremy is Sizer's best buddy, he will pop up and apologise for everything.

    1. Jonathan, apologies for the tardy posting of your comment - it was languishing in the spam box.



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