Saturday, 2 June 2012

'I'm A "Settler"; I Don't Have Horns' (video)

Here's an insightful interview with an articulate Israeli woman, who sets out her vision for a (no pun intended) settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In posting this, I'm not necessarily endorsing her political viewpoint.


  1. I've had a recent change of heart on this issue.

    The Palestinian Arabs, don't want peace, they want Israel "From the river to the sea" . The same as the 'catch cry' of the abominable BDS movement.

    For those who would argue, I would show them a map of the Arab view of Palestine, I bought in the Old City of Jerusalem less than 3 months ago, which is a map of the future Palestinian State.

    “The Mandate for Palestine" which is an historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right under international law, to settle anywhere in western Palestine, the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in international law. 51 member countries - the entire League of Nations - unanimously declared it on July 24, 1922

    So I say we should abide by it, after all Jordan is Palestine

    1. And the Mandate is grandfathered in via Article 80 of UN charter.

      But it all started with:
      San Remo's Mandate: Israel's 'Magna Carta'
      Articles by Eugene W. Rostow

      Check out the Bank of Palestine’s promotional materials:

      Shirl why do you want me to email you?

    2. And even were they to somehow magically achieve that, it wouldn't matter because in the Arab mind there's only 2 course of actions, typically pursued simultaneously: 1) go to war with whomever is your neighbor BECAUSE they are your neighbor, and 2) Utter helplessness leading them to whine and moan in the dust banging their begging bowls for the entire world to own their problems.

  2. Ian

    I have a DVD called "The Forgotten Refugees". It's a long story of how I happened upon it, I have a PASSION to get this story out to the country, if not the world. I am sick to death of the 'poor Palestinians' ... what about the Jewish refugees? Which what this is about.

    It's a documentary which was produced by the David Project in the US, now the property of JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, with whom I am in contact. There is, by the way, no copyright on the production, anyone is free to show, burn and/or distribute it.

    After driving people mad with this, the ECAJ is having another go at the SBS for me. I have all the details of where this has been shown in the US and it’s quite an impressive list. This may well be the trigger we need to get it broadcast.

    If Peter has no luck, then I am going for broke with it. I have been asked not to show it until we get a definitive answer from the SBS.

    I belong to a group AFASI: Australians For A Secure Israel. We showed the DVD a few months ago. We used the Sephardi Synagogue, because we thought that to be the appropriate venue. We had three speakers. Two of "The Forgotten Refugees" and Peter Wertheim, who was heavily involved in getting Jews out of Syria. We had a packed hall and many requests for it to be shown elsewhere.

    I left copies with three groups in Melbourne, in December when I was there and not one has got off their backside and shown it. I also left it with a Samoan friend, who said she’d show it to her church congregation. I don’t think she has shown it either. You sound like you might be the right person to do this down there. I want to get it out to the wider community too. I have an ‘in’ here in Sydney with the Catholic Church and the Samoan Community. I want to go further with it; much further.

    It’s a story which must be told!

    ‘Daphne’ I know won’t mind what I am about to say, she can kill me when she see me !!
    If anyone thinks they can show this and get it ‘out there’ please POST your email address and a note to ‘Daphne’. She won’t use it as a post, but she can send me you details in private.

    I know I haven’t asked you ‘Daphne’ but the ‘boss’ said it was OK for me to use this as a personal message board, if I had need to.! I know groisser chutzpah

    1. Oh ok
      I’ve seen Forgotten Refugees, there are several copies up on YouTube.
      I can’t help you out with screenings tho.

      It’s a good idea, maybe you should start off screenings by reading out the 1947 Arab League draft laws against Jews.
      Arab Nuremberg Laws

    2. Ian

      Maybe you know someone like me who is passionate in getting this story 'out there'

  3. Thanks for the links Ian.

    Maurice Ostroff I've followed for years

  4. btw, to contact me, daphnedotansonatgmaildotcom


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