Friday, 1 June 2012

Female Foetuses Betrayed By Feminists

Not on my usual Israel-oriented topics, I know, but how about this for leftist depravity and feminist hypocrisy?

A bill in the United States House of Representatives has rejected by 246 votes to 168 the Republican-introduced Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act which would make it an offence for doctors to perform abortions requested for the sole reason that the foetus is of the gender undesired by its parents.

It seems that in the United States, as elsewhere, immigrants from certain Asian countries with preferences for male children are aborting girls, leading to unnatural gender imbalances within families.  The demand for sex selective abortions derives, though not exclusively, largely from them.

In rejecting the bill, the House of Representatives is in effect condoning female infanticide.

But the feminist movement is also complicit in this condoning of the destruction of female foetuses, as this excellent article makes clear.

What a betrayal!

1 comment:

  1. Watch as the left abandons its professed “values”.
    Unrestricted abortion justifies killing girls.
    Hatred of Israel trumps gay rights in the ME.
    Pandering to Muslim voters trumps women’s and children’s rights.
    Hatred of the west trumps all human rights - Syria.

    Just look at the UK:
    UK fails to halt female genital mutilation
    Girls are still at risk this Christmas as 'cutters' are flown in from abroad to perform the illegal procedure here
    It’s becoming Egypt.
    Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood organizing mobile medical convoys offering female genital mutilation


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