Friday, 10 February 2012

In London, Anti-Israel Ranters On the "Peace" Offensive (videos)

The British "Stop The War Coalition" held a demo outside the American Embassy in London at the end of January to demand that no action be taken against Iran for its impending nuclear capablity.  That well-known anti-Israel activist Jeremy Corbyn MP introduced others of his ilk such as the first speaker, Anthony Wedgwood Benn (Tony Benn as he likes to be known to the plebs), and flytilla alumna Sarah Colborne, executive director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Here's a taste of the nonsense, uploaded by, which prefaces the uploads with this message:
"As the US and Israel ratchet up the rhetoric in preparation for an attack on Iran, hundreds of Londoners demonstrated outside the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square on 28th January 2012. The protest was organised by the Stop the War Coalition."

Here's old Tone:

Here's Kate Hudson, chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), inveighing against Israel's capacity to defend itself:

And here's young Sarah, ranting sickeningly on the theme of "Hypocrisy and Jerusalem" and inviting the faithful to a big do on 30th March:

Full report with photos and videos of all speeches see


  1. But in fact almost all or any of the people saying Israel will go to war are these people. Once you factor out the Jew haters, Hamas supporters, Nazis and paid factotums of Iran, there's basically no one left who's actually saying Israel can, should or will do anything of the sort.

  2. Iran is threatening Israel's nuclear monopoly in the region. Naturally, that cannot be allowed to happen. Iran should not be a threat to Israel's unofficial nuclear weapons.


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