Thursday, 9 February 2012

"If Someone Says They Want To Annihilate You, Believe Them": British Voices On The Iranian Threat (videos)

If the morally courageous and highly articulate young man in the first video below did not exist, Britain's pro-Israel supporters would certainly have to invent him.  He's the marvellous author and journalist Douglas Murray, speaking recently in a debate at the Cambridge Union on the motion "This House Would Rather Have A Nuclear Iran Than War". 

Speaking in favour of the motion were former Middle East-based diplomat Sir Richard Dalton (now of Chatham House), journalist Michael Smith, who specialises in defence issues, and Professor Scott Lucas, a specialist in American Studies at Birmingham University.

Opposing the motion were Murray, Dr Alan Mendoza, executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, and Professor Mervyn Frost, who heads the War Studies Department at King's College, London.

The Noes carried the day, with 100 votes, ten more than the Ayes mustered (there were 77 abstentions):

And here's Dr Alan Mendoza, to whom Murray refers in his speech, who also helped so ably to carry the day:

 See the entire debate and read more about the speakers for each side here


  1. I think this hit the news after the debate:

    What more evidence does one need?

  2. Thanks for posting, Daphne. I knew about the Douglas Murray speech - it's been on a lot of blogs - but I didn't know the outcome of the debate.

  3. Thanks, Samson and Rob.


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