In an article entitled "Voices Of Palestine: Nabil Shaath" Arnold Ahlert, a former columnist on the New York Post, examines the evident double-speak of Fatah's ostensibly "moderate" head of foreign relations.
Explains Arnold Ahlert:
'Despite all misinformation to the contrary, the futility of negotiations between the Arab-Palestinians and the Israelis hinges on the Palestinians’ categorical rejection of Israel’s right to exist; certainly not as a Jewish state. Second, the Palestinians remain steadfastly committed to the annihilation of Israel and its replacement with an Islamic Arab Judenrein, as most recently represented by the attempted reconciliation between Fatah and the genocidal terrorist organization Hamas. Hamas’s founding charter not only calls for the destruction of Israel, but also the genocide of all Jews.
Although the fact fails to be acknowledged by some, the so-called “moderate” Fatah party shares Hamas’s objectives, and Shaath’s own words expose this common cause. ”The Palestinian Authority will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state,” he declared on September 8, 2010. “Such a declaration would directly threaten the Muslims and Christians in Israel and prevent Palestinian refugees, who left their homes and villages a number of decades ago, from being granted the right to return to them,” he added. The “right of return” that Shaath mentions is little more than a tactic to demographically destroy the Jewish character of Israel.
On July 13, 2011, Shaath made where he stands even clearer in an ANB TV (Lebanon) interview. (This was when hopes were still high among Palestinians that they could get the United Nations to recognize their independence unilaterally). “At the end of the day, we want to exert pressure on Israel in order to force it to recognize us and leave our country,” he said. “This is our long-term goal.”
The full article can be read here
It would seem, then, that the sentiments in this poster, dating to the start of the PLO, are as alive as they were back in 1964.
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